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知識工作者與知識管理 邱子恆 2007.10.03 Knowledge Work Knowledge work emphasizes the use of professional intellect in activities which use individual and external knowledge to produce outputs characterized by information content. 何謂知識工作 強調在工作時使用專業智慧 即個人與外部的知識 以創造具資訊內容的產物 Knowledge Work Knowledge work is about the acquisition, creation, packaging or application or reuse of knowledge. Acquisition: finding existing knowledge, understanding requirements, searching among multiple sources and conveying it in an appropriate form to a user, such as competitor intelligence; Creating: Research activities in a pharmaceutical firm, creative processes in advertising, writing books or articles, making a movie; Packaging: Publishing, editing, design work; Applying or using existing knowledge: auditing, medical diagnosis; Reuse of knowledge for new purpose: leveraging knowledge in product development process, software development. 知識工作 包含下列五個部分 知識的徵集(acquisition) 創造(creating) 包裝(packaging) 應用既有知識(applying or using existing knowledge) 為新目的重覆使用知識(reuse of knowledge for new purpose) Knowledge Work Knowledge work is characterized by variety and exception rather than routine and is performed by professional or technical workers with a high level of skill and expertise. Those who exercise their intellects in any of these types of activities are knowledge workers. (vs. administrative workers) Knowledge work is inherently hard to manage, because it is -- Variety and uncertainty in inputs and output. Unstructured and individualized work rules and routines. Lack of separation among process, outputs and inputs. Lack of measures. Worker autonomy High variability in performance across individuals and time. Knowledge Workers 商情分析師 研發人員 作家 廣告人(創意者) 電影導演 出版者 編輯者 Knowledge Workers 教師 設計師 會計師 醫療工作者 程式設計師 And ………. 技術人(technologist) 許多知識工作者的工作內容既包括知識工作,也包括勞動工作.我們稱這類人為“技術人”,其所應用的是最高層次的知識. 如:外科醫師,實驗室技術員,復健技術員,影像技術員,工程師 知識工作者的生產力 知識工作者的生產力是二十一世紀管理上的最大挑戰. 在已開發國家,這是它們首要的生存要件. 知識工作者之管理 Peter Drucker提出了以下六點原


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