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護理品質線上題庫與評量系統之開發與測試 報告人: 徐南麗 慈濟大學護理學系教授 慈濟大學護研所所長 Development and Testing of a Computer-aided System on the Nursing Care Quality Nanly Hsu, (徐南麗) RN., PhD Director, Professor Department of Nursing Tzu Chi University Introduction Nursing staffs spend 30% of their working hours in recording and filing documents that are not directly related to their patient caring tasks. (Arnst, Hsu, 2004) There hasn’t been any formal nursing information system implemented to improve and assess nursing quality care for patients and nursing staffs in Taiwan. Purpose This study is to develop a nursing care quality information system and test the application of the system. Literature Review 品=?+?+? 質=斤+斤+貝 Nursing Quality The quality of service for patients Nurses’ professional role Theory of Nursing Quality Assurance Nursing Quality Assessment Method and Tools Quality Assurance Cost Efficiency Risk Staff Model (QUACERS) American Nurses’ Association (ANA) Rush Medicus Tool-Monitoring the Quality of Nursing Care (RMT-MQNC) Conceptual Framework Instrument Development Translating RMT-MQNC into Chinese and then translated it back to English Specialists examine the content and propose suggestions. 202 out of 368 items for medical and surgical Type 1-4 patients There are 4 objectives and 25 sub-objectives Computer Design Process Patient Classification Items Activity Elimination Nutrition Cleaning and dressing Vital signs Patient Classification Class I : Score 1~6 Class II : Score 7~11 Class III : Score 12~16 Class IV : Score 17~20 Scoring Methods 1. Two answers: no and yes 2. Three answers: no, yes and not applicable 3. Four answers: no, yes-incomplete, yes-complete, not applicable Scoring Methods Two Answers Total score for quality= number who chose Yes/ (number wit
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