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临沂大学2013届本科毕业论文(设计) PAGE  13届   分 类 号:017                   单位代码:10452 毕业论文(设计) 化归思想在极限中的应用        姓 名     高 云             学 号   200901010352        年 级  2009            专 业   数学与应用数学        系 (院)    理学院        指导教师  王 广 兰  2013年4月14日 摘 要 本文根据已有的研究成果,论述了化归思想在极限中的应用.首先概述了化归思想的含义、化归思想的原则、化归思想的模式及化归思想的方法,然后说明了化归思想在极限中的地位和作用.本文的中心任务是利用化归将问题化繁为简、化难为易,化未知为已知,化抽象为具体的思想.以极限为出发点,分析总结数学分析中的定义、定理和推论是如何利用化归转化的思想得出新的定义、定理和推论,并通过列举实例进一步介绍了化归思想在数学分析中理论分析和解题过程中的具体应用.力求对数学化归思想的研究来指导自己的学习,达到从实践上升到理论的地步. 关键词:化归思想;微积分;极限;级数 ABSTRACT Based on the existing research results, this paper discusses the application of the transformation of ideas in the mathematical analysis. Firstly, it discourse the meaning of the idea, the principle of the idea, the mode of the idea and the method of ??the idea, and then illustrate the position and role of the transformation of ideas in mathematical analysis. The central task of this paper is using the ideas of the transformation,which is the use of normalized issues to simplify, the transformation of the unknown to the known, of the abstract to the concrete thinking.To achieve the transformation between the limits, differentiation, integration and progression,this paper summarizes and analyses how this knowledge,including definition, theorems and corollaries ,deduces new ones with the transformation of ideas starting form the limit in the mathematical analysis,and then describes the specific application of the theoretical analysis and problem-solving process in mathematical analysis by way of the idea.Strive to guide their own learning through the reserch of the transformation, to the point where rising from theoryto practice . Key words: transformation thoughts;calculus; limit; series 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc354465034 1 引言  PAGEREF _Toc354465034 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc354465035 2 化归思想  PAGEREF _Toc354465035 \h 1


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