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论我国文物旅游资源法律保护制度的完善 (硕士论文摘要) 文物旅游资源具有十分重要的经济、文化、科研、美学价值,是属于人类的宝贵财富,对它的开发、利用和保护等问题,关系到一个国家、地区的旅游业和经济的发展。近年来,随着我国文物旅游事业的发展,某些地方在文物旅游资源的开发过程中重开发轻保护的现象,使文物旅游资源开发利用中的保护问题日益凸显出来。本文即通对我国文物旅游资源开发与法律保护制度的完善进行了专题探讨。 本文具体结构上分为导言、正文和结语。 导言是本文立论意义和思路的简要说明。 正文共分四章。第一章是关于文物旅游资源的理论概述,主要介绍了文物旅游资源的含义和特征。 第二章主要分析、论证了文物旅游资源法律保护的基本理论,包括对文物旅游资源法律保护的概念、与文物旅游资源开发及保护的关系分析,以及对文物旅游资源进行法律保护的必要性分析。 第三章对我国文物旅游资源法律保护的现状及存在的问题进行了分析,既肯定了我国文物旅游资源法律保护的积极成果,又着重对我国文物旅游资源法律保护中存在的主要问题进行了剖析。 第四章借鉴国外文物旅游资源法律保护的经验,结合我国的实际情况,提出了完善我国文物旅游资源保护的法律制度的构想。 结语是本文的总结,特别指出必须对文物旅游资源的开发保护给予高度的重 视,在大力开发利用文物旅游资源的同时,使保护文物旅游资源成为一个长期性的工作和使命。 【关键词】文物 文物旅游资源 文物旅游资源保护法 Legislation Perfection of Protection of Tourism Resources of Cultural Relics (Master Thesis Abstract) The tourism resources of cultural relics are human beings treasures because they are of great significance to economics, culture, scientific research and aesthetics. The exploitation and protection of those resources concern the development of tourism economics of a region and a nation as well. With the development of tourist industry of our country, the blind exploitation and the lack of protective consciousness have made the importance of the protection and scientific utilization of the tourism resources of cultural relics show especially. This paper attempts to discuss specially the improvement of the legal system with respect to the exploitation and protection of the tourism resources of cultural relics in China. The body structure of this paper is divided into an introduction, the main text and a conclusion. The introduction is the brief illustration of the meaning and thought of this paper. The main text is divided into four chapters. Chapter one expounds the basic theory of tourism resources of cultural relics. It includes the basic concepts and characteristic of these resources. Chapter two is the mainly analysis and proving of the basic theories of the legal protection of the tourism resources of cultural relics, including the analysis of the c


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