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Novell 最佳PC端I/O與AP管理解決方案 Sanctuary suite The Device Control Problem 便利性與安全性的考量 你知道使用者拷貝了那些資料嗎 PC端資安方案1: Novell Sanctuary Suite 零時差攻擊 Today’s Hot Topic: IT security Threat Today’s Countermeasures at Glance… Why Sanctuary? ? Why Sanctuary? ? Why Sanctuary? ? Why Sanctuary? ? Novell Sanctuary 如何開始? Managed Device Access Control Managed Device Access Control Managed Device Access Control Novell Sanctuary Console Sanctuary Agent Client 不僅週邊裝置有安全問題..還有AP Endpoint Scenarios: Unknown Malware Threats Endpoint Scenarios: Unauthorized Software 過去的方法: 黑名單 (Blackllists) How Blacklists work (例如防毒軟體) Attempt to detect and react to suspicious behaviors “Seek and Destroy” Malware Block or stonewall communications ports Use of GPO’s can’t stop Malware Why Blacklists fail Cannot stop Zero-Day attacks (無法阻止零時差攻擊 ) Cannot detect the unknown (無法偵測未知的東西) Requires constant updates (需要經常性更新) Behavior models produce false positives (行為模式常導致誤判) Novell Sanctuary Suite的方法 : 白名單 Sanctuary White List Approach Stops Spyware Cold (防止間諜軟體) No Scanning or Black List Signatures (不用掃瞄或黑名單) Defends Data Against Theft (防止資料被偷竊) Only Trusted Applications Are Authorized (只有被信任的AP能執行) Only Trusted Devices Are Authorized (只有被信任的Devicce能使用) Everything is “Guilty Until Proven Innocent” (預設所有都是有問題的, 直到證實安全) Authenticated Execution Trusted Code Execution Authenticated Execution Default Deny Application contorl Client Novell Sanctuary Report 技術支援服務 采易資訊系統(股)公司 HTTP://WWW.COLORLIFE.COM.TW 台中:04台北:02-893838222 東莞:0769 PFW AV AS Kazaa Yahoo IM E-Donkey Trillian AOL IM Napster World of App 不明程式 資訊設備 傳統防護機制 0x7ddf86e8a4672a420760b8809a1c 0xcbac13bb07f7dd0e10e93f4b63de9 0xd535561209f0199f63b72c2ebc13c 0x20ee7cf645efeba7C81bd660fe307 認證簽章資料庫 0x4969b6ca2e9651565c75338bcbb1 0x20ee7cf645efeba7C81bd660fe307 No Matching Signature 使用者 核心程式 發出存取程式 需求 使用 SHA-1 演算法產生 數位簽章 0x20ee7cf645efeba7C81bd660fe307 比對驗證簽章 資料庫 認證 執行程式 Log OK List of locally authorized files signatures 0x20ee7cf645e


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