A Mixture Model for Expert Finding一个专家发现混合模型.ppt

A Mixture Model for Expert Finding一个专家发现混合模型.ppt

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A Mixture Model for Expert Finding一个专家发现混合模型

A Mixture Model for Expert Finding Jing Zhang, Jie Tang, Liu Liu, and Juanzi Li Tsinghua University 2008-5-23 Outline Motivation Related Work Our Approach Experiments Conclusion Introduction Expert Finding aims at answering the question: “Who are experts on topic X?” The task is very important, because we usually want to: find the important scientists on a research topic find the most appropriate collaborators for a project find an expertise consultant Motivation Outline Motivation Related Work Our Approach Experiments Conclusion Related Work Language Model for Expert Finding TREC 2005 and TREC 2006 Find the associations between candidates and documents E.g. Cao (2005), Fu (2005), Balog (2006) Advanced model Study expert finding in a sparse data environment E.g. Balog(2007) An overview of most of the models Analyze and compare different models for expert finding Probabilistically equivalent and differences lie in independent assumptions E.g. Petkova, 2007 Related Work Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) Discover latent semantic structure Assume hidden factors underlying the co-occurrences among two sets of objects PLSA applications Information retrieval Hofmann 1999 Text learning and mining Brants, 2002, Gaussier, 2002, Kim, 2003, Zhai, 2004 Co-citation analysis Cohn, 2000, Cohn, 2001 Social annotation analysis Wu, 2006 Web usage mining Jin, 2004 Personalize web search Lin, 2005 Outline Motivation Related Work Our Approach Experiments Conclusion Overview Problem Setting Language Models for Expert Finding Expert finding target: estimate p(q|e) De ={dj} : Support documents related to a candidate e Language Model for Document Retrieval Language model describes the relevance between a document d and a query q as the generating probability Assume terms appear independently in the query: P(ti|d) is estimated by maximum likelihood estimation and Dirichlet smoothing: A Mixture


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