Labour Law Reform The Role of Trade Unions劳动法改革工会的作用.ppt

Labour Law Reform The Role of Trade Unions劳动法改革工会的作用.ppt

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Labour Law Reform The Role of Trade Unions劳动法改革工会的作用

Labour Law Reform: The Role of Trade Unions Umesh Upadhyaya Beginning Point of the Agenda Continued Discussion - more than a decade TUs emphasis on implementation EOs stress on amendment (hidden agenda of hire fire policy) Both ready to revise EOs Arguments Need for Labour market flexibility Labour law not neutral - with pro-worker character Rigidity of labour - hurdled economic activity Hesitation in investment High uncertainty in business scenario FDI not attracted Implementation poor due to rigidity of labour law TUs Arguments Full FOA, Increased Wages and Social Protection Labour law - naturally expected to be pro-worker Violent conflict Poor capacity of the state to ensure a conducive business environment Policy defects of the government Feudal attitudes of employers Employers focus on labour cost minimization – not on productivity enhancement Anti-union policies rather than cooperation with unions Reviewing the Past 7 issues identified by Unions and FNCCI 19 point agreement between TUs FNCCI Continued discussion during 2004 and 2005 Government initiative due to pressure of World Bank ILO efforts as intermediary Efforts of the Unions Some normal – some radical Joint Initiatives for common position GEFONT-NTUC Taskforce NTUC/GEFONT Board Secretariat Efforts of the Unions Issue-wise collaboration GEFONT+NTUC+DECONT GEFONT+NTUC+DECONT+TUN GEFONT+NTUC+DECONT+CoNEP GEFONT+NTUC+DECONT+ANFTU GEFONT+NTUC+DECONT+ANFTU+ANTUC+NTUF JTUCC as a joint structure of 8 National TUs Focus of Union Efforts Full recognition of unions in every segment of employment Uninterrupted rights Social security as the fundamental right in Constitution Labour Court system ineffective National Labour Commission as a new device for solution Towards new welfare state Priorities of Unions Joint go ahead strategy in spite of rivalry Give Take focus on labour flexibility in balance with social security/protection Divert the state from Capital-ti


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