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[合同中英文对照]合作备忘MOU模版(中英文对照) 篇一 : 合作备忘MOU模版 中英文合作备忘录MOU模版 备注: 1.此MOU是由我方起草,各条款相对公平,条款约束相对宽松。适用于和外方的一般性合作备忘录签订。 2. 如涉及到更深一步的合作,需要添加双方的业绩承诺,时间进度和佣金支付等。 3. 中文备注方面都是由我方公司填写;英文备注由外方填写。 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 谅解备忘录 BETWEEN ______ COMPANY AND This MOU is entered by and between:- 本MOU由以下各方签署: ______________________, herein after ___’, a company incorporated under the company laws of People’s Republic of China, whose Principal Place of Business is ________________________China ; _____________________公司,为中华人民共和国注册成立的公司,注册地 址为_______________________。 AND a company incorporated under the company laws of ; herein after ‘___’,whose Principal Place of Business _____________________公司,为_____成立的公司,注册 地址为_______________________。 WHEREAS, _____, is interested in projects related to the technologies, products, _____. ______,对在_____区域内感兴趣。 WHEREAS, “”)have expressed their interest in partnering with____ in projects related to the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of 2 the power chain and its relevant fields in the scope of cooperation. 公司 有意与_____在合作范围内的______和相关领域的技术,产品,服务和综合解决方案等项目进行合作。 NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree to jointly work together in the construction of the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of the ________ and other infrastructure development projects in the scope of cooperation . 现各方同意联合致力于合作范围内的所有电力与相关基础设施中技术、产品、服务和综合解决方案的建设。 Article I Purpose 目的 1. The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework of cooperation and facilitate collaboration 本MOU的目的为各方在此项目上非排他性的提供合作框架和促进合作。 Article II Areas of Cooperation合作领域 2.1 The Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas of activity: 各方同意在以下领域进行 合作: a. The Parties that will undertake to explore and develop the market and construction of the Projects in the scope of cooperation with terms t


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