Theories of Intelligence I The Binet Scales智能我比奈尺度理论.ppt

Theories of Intelligence I The Binet Scales智能我比奈尺度理论.ppt

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Theories of Intelligence I The Binet Scales智能我比奈尺度理论

Verbal Comprehension Vocabulary + Similarities + Information “Pure” measure of verbal abilities no working memory component nor attention-related concerns Measures crystallized intelligence Perceptual Organization Picture Completion + Block Design + Matrix Reasoning Measures fluid intelligence Also loads on attention to details and visual-motor integration Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * Working Memory Arithmetic + Digit Span + Letter-Number Sequencing On WISC-III (without Letter-Number Sequencing), same index score is called “Freedom from Distractibility” Measures active working memory Processing Speed Digit-Symbol-Coding + Symbol Search Measures abilities to solve problems under the constraints of time. Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * Step 1 - Interpret Full Scale IQ Step 2 - Interpret VIQ and PIQ and note any discrepancies. Step 3 - Interpret Index Scores Step 4 - Interpret Subtest Scaled Scores and note any discrepancies. Analyses of patterns of WAIS scores have not produced reliable findings. Better to use these discrepancies to generate hypotheses. Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * Reliability Split half coefficents (without speeded tasks) Full Scale IQ = .98 Verbal IQ = .97 Performance IQ = .94 Test-Retest Full Scale IQ = .95 Verbal IQ = .94 Performance IQ = .88 Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * Recall that the Standard Error of Measurement can be calculated by: s is the standard deviation; rxx is reliability As such, we can describe the 95% (? score ?2 * SEM) and 99% (? score ?3 * SEM) confidence intervals for each of the IQ scores. Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * Suppose someone is measured with the WAIS-III with a Full Scale IQ of 108. What is the 95% confidence interval for this test score? Cal State Northridge - Psy 427 * …are generally too low to be psychometrically sound Most are in the .70s and .80s with a few in the .60s. As such, scores on the subtests are likely to “bounce a


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