Low cost e-journal Production低成本的电子出版物制作.ppt

Low cost e-journal Production低成本的电子出版物制作.ppt

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Low cost e-journal Production低成本的电子出版物制作

ELAG 2005 Workshop Low cost e-journal production Sieglinde Schreiner-Linford Low cost e-journal Production As-low-cost-as-possible-for-a-chosen-level-of-quality e-journal production Participants (Francine Dreier) Anne Gentil-Beccot (Frauke Gisela Ralf) Sieglinde Schreiner-Linford Frank Spellerberg Publishing online is a specialized and professional activity as much as publishing in print Danger: ‘low-cost’ can become ‘cheap’, but costly Strategies and solutions to ensure quality and overcome organizational and technical problems Starting point: What elements are required to put a scientific journal online? Infrastructure Staff Competence Time Budget (money) Complementary questions: How to finance dissemination and access - How to keep the cost of publishing low Organizational Basics Identify and use resources at hand Keep the project structure simple Set achievable goals – better to do less and do that well … Clearly agree on goals and convert into functional requirements Convert into technical requirements Budgets Time Money People Resources can be (at least partially) traded against each other Costs and resources Profit Academic publishing is not (primarily) for profit in money Institutional and individual visibility and standing Investment in online publishing is legitimate Technical Basics – Use of Existing Infrastructure Hosting of web server, middle ware, bandwidth, sys admin, server security Content Management System (cms) or database driven solution for journal production process Site licenses and training for html editing and graphics software Single biggest possibility to keep direct production cost low What Constitutes Quality? Elements of Site Architecture Taking quality of content for granted … Standards compliant coding (w3.org) and separation of structure and layout (XHTML/CSS) Usability: clean navigation scheme, PDF is not a screen format Accessibility Elements of Site Architecture 2 Modular construction of pages (maintenance


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