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工程洒水车设计(五吨载重量)车架改造设计和 后悬架校核 摘 要 本文详细介绍了此次设计的内容和相关的设计指导思想、方法。此次设计的内容是五吨载重量工程洒水车的设计(改装),其中重点介绍和研究分析车架的改装设计和整车的总体布置。在各个与车架进行联的接部件联接方式的设计中,要根据总体布置时确定的各总成的位置来进行布置这些联接件的位置,既要能使联接合理、可靠,又要符合专用车改装原则中对车架进行改装的要求,以保证在不影响车架强度和刚度的前提下对车架改装和保证联接可靠。同时,还需根据各联接部件不同的受力情况,进行具体设计与计算。在联接部件结构设计中,根据其功能、位置进行合理的结构设计,在选材方面以“标准化”原则选择。在车架改装设计中,在满足总体布置方案的同时,对其进行轴荷分配、车架强度和刚度的校核,以保证其在满足各种技术性能要求的同时,使各总成布局合理、紧凑、可靠,并兼顾整车外型的美观。本文同时介绍了整车设计的其他方面设计,有水管总成、水罐总成的设计,还有取力器总成的设计和变速器的改装设计。本车载重量5-8吨,主要用于城镇绿化及街道清洗、降尘,也可用作紧急消防和移动泵站,由于其功能多,载重量适宜,所以目前具有广阔的市场。 关键词:车架,联接,强度,标准化,洒水量 MODIFICATION DESIGN OF FRAME AND CHECK REAR SUSPENSION OF ENGINEERING SPRINKLER (5 TONS LOAD) ABSTRACT This paper describes the current design of content and related design total guiding ideology, and methods. This design is 5 tons deadweight works for sprinkler design (modified), which focuses on research and analysis of the car frame design modifications and integral layout of car. In the design of each component which connected to car frame. According to determine the overall layout of the assembly location for the layout of these pieces connected to the location, it is necessary to make a reasonable connection, reliable, but also consistent with the principle of exclusive cars modified to modify the frame, in order to ensure not affect the strength and stiffness of the chassis under the premise of the chassis modifications and ensure reliable connectivity. Meanwhile, specific design and calculation should be done, according to the different frame condition of each connection component. Connected components in structural design, based on their function and location for a reasonable structure design, in the choice of material to standardize the principle of choice. In the chassis design modifications, in meeting the overall layout of the program at the same time, its axle - load distribution, chassis strength and stiffness of the coupling, to ensure their performance meet the technical requirements of the same time, the assembly rational


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