九年级英语上册 知识树课件_ 仁爱版.ppt

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九年级英语上册 知识树课件_ 仁爱版

1.本节课主要学习“ Wh-+ to do” 构成的不定式短语,熟练掌握他们的用法及在句中充当的成分,尤其是作主语时的用法。 2.通过本节课的学习,能熟练的谈论学英语中的困惑及相应的学习策略。能够选择一两种适合于自己的学习方法,培养学英语的兴趣,从而达到提高英语成绩的目的。 * Task 5 Test: Translate the phrases and sentences into English. 2.Choose the best answer. 3.Complete the dialogue.( A 类,B类学生完成) (方法:限时8分钟独立完成-----分层批改---- 讲评共性错误-----二次过关。) * 一.Try to translate into English. 1.在 ..... 方面薄弱 2. 给某人一些关于 ..... 的建议 3.提高阅读能力 4.害怕做 5.犯错误 6.深呼吸 7. 试一试 8. 做大量听力训练 重点句型: 1.你能给我们一些关于如何把英语学好方面的建议吗? 2.我不敢在课堂上回答问题,因为我害怕犯错误。 3.我不知道是否加入英语俱乐部。 * 二.Choose the best answer. 1.Every morning Tom gets up early,____ a deep ___,then does some exercises. A. take breath B took breath C takes breath D take breathe 2. – Could you tell me____ tonight? ----At the meeting room. A. where to have the meeting B. w here shall we have the meeting C. when to have the meeting 3. Mr. Wang ___ us ___ practice oral English more. A. advice to B. advises to C. advise to 4. --- The math problem is too hard for me. Can you show me____? ---- Sure. A. What to work it out B. how to work out it C. how to work it out 5. You’d better do some ___ practice to improve ___? A. listening you B. listening yourself C. listen yourself 6. There are many beautiful skirts. I don’t know ____. A. which one to choose B. to choose which one C. choose which one * 三.complete the dialogue. A.:Hi,Paul. ______________________? B: Im studying for an English test. A: Studying for an English test ? I think English is difficult to learn. B: ______________________? A: My biggest problem is that I cant remember so many new English words. _______________________? B: You can remember words by singing English songs and join an English club, too. In the club, you can meet many interesting people. __________________? A: Tha


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