zrcpw复合材料的高温压缩变形行为及强化机制-deformation behavior and strengthening mechanism of zrc pw composites under high temperature compression.docx
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zrcpw复合材料的高温压缩变形行为及强化机制-deformation behavior and strengthening mechanism of zrc pw composites under high temperature compression
AbstractZrCp/W composites have been designed and fabricated by vacuum hot-pressing (2200oC/1h/30MPa). As comparison, pure tungsten materials with various grain sizes have also been fabricated. Effect of the volume fraction, size and distribution of ZrC particles, sintering temperature and heat treatment on microstructures, room temperature mechanical properties and high temperature compressive deformation behaviors of ZrCp/W composites have been investigated. The deformation and fracture mechanisms have been studied by analyzing microstructures of the deformed composites. A high temperature strengthening model has been proposed according to the experimental results, and high temperature strengthening mechanisms have been systematically studied.With increasing sintering temperature, relative density of pure tungsten increases and grain size coarsens. The ZrCp/W composites are composed of dilute solid solution tungsten matrix, solid solution (Zr,W)C particle and a new W2C phase. The volume fraction of W2C phase increases with increasing ZrC particles content. The volume fraction of W2C phase decreases with increasing ZrC particles size, and no W2C phase generates in 20ZW-5 composite. For the 20ZW-1.25 composite annealed at 2300oC for 1h, the volume fraction of W2C phase increases, and ZrC particles coarsen obviously.With increasing sintering temperature, flexural strength of pure tungsten decreases and elastic modulus increases. With increasing ZrC particles content, the flexural strength and elastic modulus of 20ZW-1.7 composite reach the maximum values of 1210MPa and 416GPa, respectively. With decreasing ZrC particles size, Elastic modulus of 20ZW-1.25 composite has a maximum value of 434GPa. Fracture toughness of ZrCp/W composites is improved with increasing the content and size of ZrC particles. Fracture toughness for the annealed 20ZW-1.25 composite is raised and other mechanical properties lower.High temperature compressive flow stress of pure tungsten decreases
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