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waste的第三人称单数和短语例句  waste的第三人称单数:   wastes   waste的词组短语:   waste water 污水,废水   solid waste 固体废物,固态废物;固体废料,固体垃圾   waste gas 废气   a waste of 浪费…   waste water treatment 废水处理,污水处理   waste第三人称单数例句:   1. nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.   全国的核武器工厂均受到了有毒废弃物的严重污染。   2. he decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western australia.   他决定为在澳大利亚西部人为导致荒芜的土地上重新造林做点事情。   3. the system wastes a large amount of water.   这套系统浪费了大量的水。   4. he wastes time fiddling about with minor matters.   他把时间都浪费在鸡毛蒜皮的小事上。   5. the function of the kidneys is to excrete wastes from the body.   肾的功能是排泄人体里的废物.   6. these wastes are finally eliminated from the body in the urine.   这些废物最后从尿中排出.   7. all wastes are usually eliminated from the body before death.   通常在(人)死亡之前一切废物都从体内排出.   8. we traveled through treeless wastes.   我们穿过了没有树木的荒地.   9. the explorers spent months in the arctic wastes.   探险家们在北极荒原上工作了几个月.   10. his failure to turn his attention to flagrant wastes of public money is inexcusable.   他未能注意到公共资金的公然浪费,这是不可原谅的。   11. up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the uk.   英国每年会产生多达1,000万吨的有毒废弃物。   12. we endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas.   我们力图避免那种有关喷油井的陈旧的, 不切实际的计划, 这种计划浪费油和天然气.   13. most industrial wastes can be controlled by treatment and production process changes.   通过处理和生产流程的改变,可以控制大多数工业废水.   14. many sites receive hazardous wastes from a variety of generators and transporters.   许多场地可能从各种各样废物的产出者和运输者那里接受危险的废物.   15. exhaust vaporous wastes through a pipe.   通过管道把废蒸汽排空。   waste的第三人称单数:   wastes   waste的词组短语:   waste water 污水,废水   solid waste 固体废物,固态废物;固体废料,固体垃圾   waste gas 废气   a waste of 浪费…   waste water treatment 废水处理,污水处理   waste第三人称单数例句:   1. nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.   全国的核武器工厂均受到了有毒废弃物的严重污染。   2. he decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western austral


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