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Unit 1The King’s New Clothes Summer 01 Im your new teacher today. My name is Summer. I like new very much. I have many beautiful clothes. There’re 50 students in my class. They are lovely and . I love them! Something about me clothes clothes clever clever 01 Long long ago, there was a king. 很久很久以前,有一位国王。 01 You should know… The King’s New Clothes 《皇帝的新装》,是丹麦著名童话作家安徒生的经典作品之一,除此之外还有《卖火柴的小女孩》,《丑小鸭》,《海的女儿》等。 02 Listen to the story Who are they in the story? 故事里有 哪些人物? The King’s New Clothes 02 Listen and answer Who are they in the story? two tailors (裁缝) two bad men people little boy the king Was the king clever or foolish? 聪明的 愚蠢的 Watch and answer: Watch and answer: Was the king clever or foolish? 聪明的 愚蠢的 Watch and answer: 02 How do they cheat the king? Read fast and circle 快速读,圈出故事中的两句话。 Clever people can see them. Foolish people cant see them. food English foolish Foolish a. 好学的 b. 愚蠢的 (欺骗) 02 clever Because the king doesnt want to be ______. foolish No one wants to be foolish. Choose the correct answer 03 Lets read 陈述句读降调。如:The two men showed the king his new clothes. 注意模仿故事中人物的语气,语调。 Reading tip (朗读小提示): Work in groups of four. Read in roles. (四人小组,分角色读故事) 03 True or false T T F F F 03 Recite the story 04 Read and write new clothes happy see little boy 嘲 笑 04 Act in groups 小组表演故事 能流利表演对话。 愿和同学合作表演并互相帮助提醒。 能模仿人物语气表演。 能善于倾听同伴表演和意见。 04 Make a recommendation card 制作阅读推荐卡 Name:__________ Writer: ________ 故事名 作者 Main story : _________________ 故事大意 _________________ Why do I like it? _________________ 推荐理由 _________________ 05 Homework 1. Read the story fluently and try to retell it. 熟读故事并且尝试复述。 2. Complete the exercises of the story time. 完成Story time 的相应练习。 3. Look up the diffence among the words or the phrases ‘try on,fit, in,wear’ by yourselves. 自己查阅以上画线短语或单词的不同含义及用法。


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