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1. 方法的重要性中国公共管理学习西方的一些问题 小马拉大车 黑虎掏心 生吞活剥 浅尝辄止 望文生意 同名异质 李代桃僵 紧跟潮流 名人、名校、名公司 狗熊掰棒 工具能导致决策的质变:正确使用的重要性 描述效果 Descriptive Curve 拉法尔曲线 Laffer Curve 公共选择 Public Choice 逻辑思迪克回归 Logistic Analysis Fiscal Policy (National Debt) Arthur Laffer 公共选择理论 1。国家的性质:公共决策 2。国家公务员理性人假设 3。否定公共利益 4。决策成本与执行成本的结合点 0 Figure: Share of capital income earned by top 1% and bottom 80%, 1979-2003 (From Shapiro Friedman, 2006.) Figure : CEOs average pay, production workers average pay, the SP 500 Index, corporate profits, and the federal minimum wage, 1990-2005 (all figures adjusted for inflation) Source: Executive Excess 2006, the 13th Annual CEO Compensation Survey from the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy Source: Executive Excess 2006, the 13th Annual CEO Compensation Survey from the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy 科学的方法 内涵 外延 2. 科学家与科学方法Scientists and Scientific Methods Archimedies (287-212 B.C.). Archemedes Principle--the principle of the boyant force. Integral calculus, 2000 years earlier than that of Newtons. Euclid (c300. B.C), Greek Geometrician. Eulidean Geometry, also known as plane geometry, geometry based on the principle Euclid postulated: only one line can be drawn through a given point parallel to a given line. Symmetry. Claudius Ptolemy (A. D. 127-151). Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543, Polish astronomer). Galileo Galilei (1564-1642, Italian astronomer). William Harvey (1578-1657, British medical scientist, father of modern medical science. Scientists and Scientific Methods Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Father of modern physics. Discoverer of the law of motion. James Watt (1736-1819, Scottish engineer and steam engine inventor). Michael Faraday (1791-1867, pioneer of the electrical age. First electric motor. Antoine Laurent Laviosier (1743-1794, French Scientist, pionior of chemistry. Charles Lyell (1797-1875, Scottish, father of geology), Charles Darwin (1809-1882, British biologist, kn