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王顶堤华润超市收银服务设施优化研究摘 要本文主要通过在王顶堤华润万家的实践经历,发现顾客长时间排队等候服务越来越司空见惯。顾客为了避免长时间等待,甚至放弃购买或者去更远点的超市。为了得到更多顾客的青睐,如何降低生产运营成本、提高收银服务水平是摆在华润超市管理人员面前的机遇和挑战。本文运用排队系统理论、人因工程和流程程序分析的理论和方法,分析和研究了阻碍王顶堤华润超市收银服务水平提高的一些因素,并加以改进,以达到缩短顾客排队时间、提高收银服务水平的目的。首先通过目视管理和现场管理,发现超市收银服务存在的问题,包括银台开放数量的不合理、商品标码的不规范、银台布局的不科学以及收银服务中的流程问题,然后运用排队系统理论确定银台合理的开放数量,根据人因工程和基础工业工程对标码规范化,以及银台布局科学化,最后通过流程程序分析中“5W1H”、“动作经济原则”和“ECRS”等技术和原则对收银服务流程进行改进。本文从顾客和收银员两个方面的满意度来考虑改进的效果,切实做到以员工和顾客的利益出发,给员工一个舒适轻松的工作,还顾客一块轻松便捷的购物天地。关键词:收银服务设施、排队系统理论、人因工程、流程程序分析Study on Cashier Service Facilities Optimization of Wangdingdi CR Vanguard SupermarketAbstractIn this paper, through the internship in Wangdingdi CR Vanguard Supermarket, the author has found that long-time waiting in line has become a commonplace for customers in the supermarket, which results in customers’ changing of shopping places. In order to gain popularity, reducing the operating costs and improving the service level of cashiers have become a challenge and also an opportunity for supermarkets management personnel.Using the queuing system theory, human factors engineering theory, and process program analysis method, this paper studied the factors hindering the improvement of the cashier service level in Wangdingdi CR Vanguard Supermarket, and then gave some suggestions to make it better to achieve the final objectives of shortening customers’ queuing time and enhancing the service level of cashiers. To begin with, through visual management and spot management, I discovered some problems existing in the supermarket cashier management, including the irrationality of the quantity of the opening checkout counters, the irregularity of the commodity codes, the unscientificity of the layout of the checkout counters, and the process problems in the cashiers’ service. Next, utilizing the queuing system theory, I determined the reasonable number of the opening checkout counters. Following that, the commodity code is standardized and the layout of the checkout counters is scien


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