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螈袃芅蚈螄袂莇薁蚀袁葿莄 北京CBD金融产业集聚的研究 Abstract With the development of economic globalization, information and marketing, the growth of financial industry plays a more and more important role in regional economy increase. With the fast growth of financial industry, it gradually shows kind of gathering phenomenon in space. A lot of financial industry gathering region experience proves that financial industry gathering often happens in central business district, called CBD in shortThe gathering in space of financial industry not only offers better communication and cooperation opportunities, but also improves the efficiency of cooperation with other industry in CBD. Financial industry gathering has already been a key factor to improve the CBD comprehensive competitive edgeSince the reform and open, with the deepening of our opening-door policy, the economy develops fast, the contribution of financial industry is outstanding. As an important part of modern service industry, financial industry plays a key role in modern economic growth. Modern convenient economic activities can not develop smoothly without the support of financial industry. Beijing, as the capital, is in the central of our politic, economic and culture, is looking forward to a financial center with strong competitive edgeIn the background of macro economy and economic development, the State Council approved CBD construction planning in the year 1993. With superior geographic seat and brand domino affect, Beijing CBD attracts large amount of domestic and foreign financial, trade, business, information, and intermediary service enterprises. Financial industry gathering is very obvious. There are a lot of world famous banks, security, insurance organizations in Beijing CBD. To fast develop Beijing CBD construction, offer international financial organization development office environment, increase international resource gatheringThe domestic and foreign experts have paid much attention to


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