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PAGE 密级:公开密级:公开 汽车主减速器的对比分析与设计Comparative Analysis And Design Of Final Drive学 院:机械工程学院专 业 班 级:车辆工程0701班学 号:070104031学 生 姓 名:xx指 导 教 师:xx(教授)2011年 6 月PAGE IV摘 要汽车主减速器作为汽车驱动桥中重要的传力部件,是汽车最关键的部件之一。它承担着在汽车传动系中减小转速、增大扭矩的作用,同时在动力向左右驱动轮分流的差速器之前设置一个主减速器,可以使主减速器前面的传动部件,如变速箱、分动器、万向传动装置等传递的扭矩减小,同时也减小了变速箱的尺寸和质量,而且操控灵敏省力。汽车主减速器结构多种多样,主要是根据其齿轮类型、主动齿轮和从动齿轮的安置方法以及减速型式的不同而异。按照主减速器齿轮的类型分为:螺旋锥齿轮和双曲面齿轮;按照主减速器主动锥齿轮的支承型式及安置方法分为:悬臂式和跨置式;按照主减速器减速形式分为:单级减速、双级减速、双速减速、贯通式主减速器和轮边减速等。主减速器设计的好坏关系到汽车的动力性、经济性以及噪声、寿命等诸多方面。如何协调好各方关系、合理匹配设计参数,以达到满足使用要求的最优目标,是主减速器设计中最重要的问题。通常主减速器优化设计多是仅从某一角度考虑,单一的改善其某一方面参数,而没有将其参数优化有效结合起来,因此,本文是通过设计不同类型的主减速器,进行分析比较,看看各种类型的主减速器都适应何种汽车,或者是说每种类型的主减速器采用什么样的构件合适,以便能优化设计主减速器,使其能够适应现在汽车的发展趋势,向着小速比、大扭矩、传动效率高、成本低等客车和货车主减速器技术的发展趋势发展。关键词:汽车主减速器;设计;对比;分析 AbstractThe final drive as that part of a power transmission system of the drive bridge is one of the key components of the car. Its function is decreasing speed and increasing torque in the power train.At the same time. Designing a final drive before the differential which drive the power to two drive wheel may make drive train components before final drive ,such as transmission, power divider and universal driven device and so on,decrease the torque they transmit, but also reduced the size and quality of transmission , and control quickly and easily. The structure of final drive is various and is based mainly on the gear type, the settle mothod of bevel pinion gear and drive gear vary according to. According to the type of final drive wheel: spiral bevel gear and hypoid gear; According to the supporting form and settle mothod of bevel pinion gear: cantilever type and supports on both ends of the gear. According to the down form of final drive: single reduction final drive, double reduction final drive, two speed final drive, penetrable final drive and hub reduction gear and so on.The final drive design in relation to the dynamic quality ,economy and noise, life and so on. How to appropriately, the relat


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