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2010年湖州中考英语试题分类汇编:阅读理解 A mascotis ;very important to an event.Do you know what the mascot of Shanghai Wor ;ld Expo 2010 is?Well,it is haibao,It can be seen almost everywhere in ;China now.The inspiration fo the design comes from a Chinese word renw;hich means people in English.It really looks like a man putting up his; hands and saying hello to everyone.The name,Haibao,comes from the Chi;nese phrase Si Hai Zhi Bao. Haimeans the sea in English,and it also im;pliesthat it was born in Shanghai. Baois a lucky name in Chinese tradi;tional culture.The name not only means the treasureof the sea,but also; means the treasure of Shanghai. Every part of Haibaos body ha;s its special meaning.For example,Haibaos hair is like the wave of the; sea.Its smiling face shows its friendliness.Haibao was designed by tw;o artists,one from Shanghai and the other from Taiwan.The design is ve;ry successful.It is very easy to remember and it also shows the theme ;of Shanghai World Expo, Better City,Better Life.Haibao is confident,lo;vely and lively,It is a good anbassodorof Shanghai World Expo.It is we;lcoming friends all over the world with its opening arms and friendly ;smile. 48.Whats the meaning of the name Haibaoin the passage? ; A.It means sea water. B.It means the Chinese word ren.; C.It means the treasure of the sea and Shanghai. D.It; means a smiling face. 49.How many artists designed the mascot;? A.Two. B.Three. C.Five. D.Eight. 50.What is th;e themeo f Shanghai World Expo 2010? A.Better City,Better Life;. B.One World ,One Dream. C.Welcome Home. D.Share the Spi;rit. 51.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the pa;ssage? A.Haibao has curly hair and a smiling face. B.H;aibao looks like a man saying hello to everyone. C.The artists; who designed Haibao come from the same place. D.Haibao is a l;ucky name in Chinese culture. 【答案】CAAC


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