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Abdomen 腹部;Boundaries of the abdomen;The abdominal regions 腹部分区 ——Nine regions;The abdominal regions 腹部分区 ——Four quadrants ;Landmarks of abdomen;Landmarks and surface anatomy;Landmarks and surface anatomy;Anterolateral abdominal wall ;Anterolateral abdominal wall;Superficial vessels and cutaneous nerves ;Superficial vessels and cutaneous nerves; Anterolateral Muscles;Obliquus externus absominis 腹外斜肌;Obliquus externus absominis 腹外斜肌;Superficial inguinal ring 腹股沟浅环;Obliquus internus abdominis 腹内斜肌;Transversus abdominis 腹横肌;Transversus abdominis 腹横肌;Rectus abdominis 腹直肌 ;Sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘;Sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘;Anterolateral Muscles;Deep vessels of abdomen;Deep nerves of abdomen;Deep nerves of abdomen;Deep nerves of abdomen;Deep nerves of abdomen;Inguinal region 腹股沟区;Inguinal canal 腹股沟管;Inguinal canal 腹股沟管;Inguinal canal 腹股沟管;Mechanics of the inguinal canal;Structures passing through inguinal canal ;Descent of testes;Descent of testes;Inguinal Triangle (of Hesselbach) 腹股沟三角 ;Indirect inguinal hernia 腹股沟斜疝 ;Direct inguinal hernia 腹股沟直疝;Anterior abdominal wall;Subcostal incision ;Peritoneum 腹膜;The peritoneum 腹膜;The peritoneum 腹膜;Relationship between viscera and peritoneum ;Relationship between viscera and peritoneum;Relationship between viscera and peritoneum;Structures which are formed by peritoneum;Omenta 网膜;Lessor omentum 小网膜;Lessor omentum 小网膜;Greater omentum 大网膜 ;;Omental bursa 网膜囊;Omental bursa 网膜囊;Mesenteries系膜;Mesenteries 系膜;Mesenteries 系膜;Mesenteries 系膜;Ligaments 韧带;Ligaments of liver;Ligaments of spleen;Ligaments of stomach ;Folds and recesses of posterior abdominal wall;Folds and recesses of posterior abdominal wall;Pouches 陷凹;Peritoneal cavity subdivisions;Spaces of supracolic compartments;Spaces of supracolic compartments;Spaces of infracolic compartments;Spaces of infracolic compartments;Relations of abdominal viscera ;Supracolic Compartment 结肠上区;Supracolic compartment 结肠上区;Esophagus (abdomen part)食管腹段;Stomach 胃 ; Sto


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