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河南理工大学本科课程设计报告PAGE PAGE 28河南理工大学《单片机应用与仿真训练》设计报告基于单片机的电子琴设计姓 名: 学 号: 专业班级: 指导老师:   所在学院:电气工程与自动化学院2011年 月 日摘要本设计是基于AT89S52 单片机来对电子琴的主体部分进行设计,用以实现电子琴的基本功能。本设计主要运用了AT89S52 单片机的定时、中断功能,利用定时器可发出不同频率的脉冲,不同频率的脉冲经蜂鸣器后,就会发出不同音调。 定时器按设计的定时参数产生中断,这一次中断发出脉冲低电平,下一次取反发出脉冲高电平,由于定时参数不同,就发出不同频率的脉冲。本制作中巧妙地利用了单片机的定时器,让定时器中断一次就改变蜂鸣器的状态一次,即形成矩形方波频率信号,每个频率信号对应不同的音阶,再分别由对应的按键控制,当相应的按键按下后便可产生相应的音调。本设计实现的功能是利用蜂鸣器作为发声部件,两个数码管作为显示部件,设置11个按键,实现高音、中音、低音的1、2、3、4、5、6、7的发音,并存储一首歌的内容,可以实现自动播放。关键词:AT89S52 单片机、按键、蜂鸣器、电子琴、显示Abstract This design was mainly based on electronic AT89S52 SCM design, the main part to the basic function of the organ. This design is mainly used for the timing and AT89S52 SCM interrupt function, use a different frequency timer can pulse frequency, different pulse amplification filtering through speakers, after driving circuit will be issued a different tone. According to the design of the timer interruption, the timing parameters generated a low level, a pulse interruption take the next time a pulse timing parameters, due to the high level is different in different frequency, pulse. The ingenious use of single-chip timer, let the timer interrupt time to change the state of speakers, forming a rectangular pulse frequency signal, each frequency signal corresponding different syllable, then respectively by the corresponding key control, when the corresponding key press and can produce the corresponding tones. The function of the realization of the design is to use as a voice parts, buzzer two digital tube as display parts, set up 11 key, realize high, alto, bass of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 pronunciation, and storage, the contents of the song can be realized automatic playback. Keywords: AT89S52 SCM, buttons, speaker, keyboard,display TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc297849889 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc297849889 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc297849890 1概述 PAGEREF _Toc297


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