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临床营养学 ; 忠告: 中国人的智慧! 食物是最好的医药!;本门课程的特点及学习要求;为什么要学习?;本课程包含的内容;基本 概念;营养(nutrition)是指人体摄取、消化、吸收、转运和利用食物中营养物质以满足机体生理需要并排除废物的生物学过程。 It is a biological process which nutrients and functional compositions in the foods are ingested , digested, absorbed, transported , utilized and the waste materials are excreted.;营养学(nutriology)研究膳食、营养与人体健康关系的科学,广义的营养学,还包括社会、经济、文化、生活习惯和膳食心理等多种领域和学科。 It is a science of foods and the nutrients and other substances they contain, and of their actions within the body. A broader definition includes the social, economic, cultural, and psychological implications of food and eating. ;营养素(nutrients)食物中可给人体提供能量、机体构成成分和组织修复以及有生理调节功能的化学成分。 Chemical substances obtained from food and used in the body to provide energy, structural materials, and repair of the body’s tissues; Nutrients may also reduce the risk of some diseases. ; protein lipids carbohydrate (dietary fiber) minerals vitamin water;营养素生理需要量(Nutritional Requirement)是指能保证人体健康,达到应有发育水平并能充分有效地完成各项体力、脑力活动所需要的能量和各种营养素的必需的量。 The lowest continuing intake of energy and nutrients that maintain the specified criterion of adequacy (that will maintain the specific biochemical and physiological functions of the body) 最低需要量:指仅能维持生理平衡或不致发生营养缺乏病的量。 适宜需要量:指维持人体健康、促进生长发育、保证最高劳动效率的量。 ;营养素推荐摄入量(Recommended Nutrient Intake,RNI),是指通过膳食,满足某一特定性别、年龄及生理状况群体中绝大多数(97%~98%)个体需要的能量和各种营养素的量。 Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI): The RNI is the amount of a nutrient that is enough to ensure that the needs of nearly all the group (97.5%) are being met . ;第一章 能量 Energy;单位 1J:一牛顿力把1kg物体移动1m所需要的能量 1 kcal=4.184KJ 1kJ=0.239 kcal 1000 kcal=4.184MJ 1MJ=239 kcal 产能营养素 碳水化合物:(1g→4kcal):55%—65% 蛋白质:(1g→4kcal):10%—15% 脂 肪:(1g→9kcal):20%—30% 纯热能食品:如酒(乙醇):1g→7kcal ; 第一节 人体的热能消耗 Section 1 The body spends energy ;(一) Basal Metabolism ;3. Calculation of BEE ;表1-10 人体基础代谢率;2). Harris and Benedict formula ;WHO 建议的计算基础代谢公式;表1-12 人体24小时静息代谢参



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