(新课标)高中英语 Module 3 The violence of nature Period One Introduction Reading and Vocabulary课件 外研版必修3.ppt

(新课标)高中英语 Module 3 The violence of nature Period One Introduction Reading and Vocabulary课件 外研版必修3.ppt

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(新课标)高中英语 Module 3 The violence of nature Period One Introduction Reading and Vocabulary课件 外研版必修3

【选词填空】(occur/happen/take place/break out) ①When the accident happened,I to be there. ②Should another world war ,what would become of human beings? ③Anything unexpected might . ④The wedding will on Christmas Day in St.Peters Church. happened break out happen/occur take place * strike (1)vt. n.打击,撞击 The stone struck him in the eye.石子击中了他的眼睛。 The clock struck twelve. 钟敲了12 下。 (2)vt.突然想起,猛地意识到 A good idea struck me.=I struck on a good idea. 我突然想到一个好主意。 It struck me that the man was not telling the truth. 我猛地意识到那个人没说真话。 4. * (3)vt.让(某人)觉得;给……以印象 I was deeply struck by the beauty of Shangri-La. 香格里拉的美景给我留下了深刻的印象。 (4)vi. n.罢工 We are (going) on strike. 我们正(要)进行罢工。 The coal miners struck for better safety conditions. 煤矿工人罢工要求改善安全状况。 * 【比较网站】 beat/hit/strike beat 表示有目的地在某物上连续不断地打,可以是轻打也可以是重打;在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方。也可表示“雨点击打在……上”。 The rain was beating against the window.雨点敲打着窗户。 hit 着重指打中或击中这一结果,强调敲打或击中对方的某一点。 A second shot hit her in the back.第二枪击中了她的背部。 strike 指用力地“击打”;表示短暂的动作,含有急速或突然的一次性殴打、打击或敲击,有时与hit通用,可以用于比喻意义。 A stone struck the little boy on the head.一块石头打在那个小男孩的头上。 * ①The rain was________against the window. ②A stone__________the little boy on the head. ③A second shot_____her in the back. ④The Chinese Volleyball team________Cuba by 3∶1 in the opening game. 【选词填空】(strike/hit/beat) beating  struck/hit  hit  beat * pick up (1)卷起,拾起,拿起 The children picked up many seashells at the seashore. 孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。 She kept picking up magazines and putting them down again.她不断地把那些杂志拿起来又放下。 (2)搭载客人;驾车去接 The train stopped to pick up the passengers. 火车停下来让乘客上车。 Shall I pick you up at the station? 要我开车到车站去接你吗? 1. * (3)接收,收听(广播) With my new radio you can pick up an American news broadcast. 我的新收音机可以接收到美国电台的新闻广播。 (4)(经济等)好转;恢复(健康) The world economy is picking up. 世界经济正在复苏。 (5)偶然得到(学到、发现) He has never studied Japanese;what he knows is what he picked up while living in Japan.他从未学过日语,他所懂的日语是他在日本居住时偶然学到的。



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