《The Magic Key Adventure——Thailand》英文课本剧.docx

《The Magic Key Adventure——Thailand》英文课本剧.docx

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《The Magic Key Adventure——Thailand》英文课本剧

《The Magic Key Adventure——Thailand》英文课本剧《Lost in Thailand--magic key》第一幕《暑假开始了》Narrator: Charlotte, Rena, and Albert are having their summer holiday. (夏落,瑞娜,阿尔伯特三个人为着一张桌子坐着。夏落和阿尔伯特在看书,瑞娜在玩魔法钥匙。)Charlotte: It is just so boring! The sun is up high and the ground is burning!Rena: There is nothing to do except reading.Albert: I hope mother planned something exciting this summer.Charlotte: Let’s stop being so grumpy! How about going swimming this afternoon?Rena: I agree!Albert: Me too!Charlotte: Good! Let’s go now!(夏落和阿尔伯特率先冲出门,瑞娜把魔法钥匙随手扔在一堆oxford story tree的书上,也跑出了门)Narrator: Then, weird things started to happen. Just like in a spooky show on television. The characters in the book jumped out!(人物从桌子底下突然钻出来,有的打哈欠,有的伸懒腰,都像刚醒过来一样。)Litter Queen: (伸懒腰,结果手一不小心把魔法钥匙碰到了地上。)Look guys! It is the magic key!2 Kidnappers: What magic key? Is it something that we can eat?Litter Queen: Of course not! You freak! It is the most powerful key in the world and we must get it!Bad uncle: I don’t want the magic key. I just want money.2 Kidnappers: The magic key is not useful to us. We just want honey.Litter Queen: The magic key can bring you anything you need. Bad uncle, if you get the magic key, you can ch money as you want. You two, if you want to have honey, than get the magic key! The magickey can bring you as much honey as you want! So what is your decision now?2 Kidnappers: We will help!Bad uncle: I will help as well!Litter Queen: Great! So I am going to be your leader! All of you have to listen to me!2 Kidnappers Bad uncle: Hooray!Litter Queen! We will help you to get the magic key!(这时,孩子们回来了)Litter Queen: Hide! The kids came back!Charlotte: Hey! Which one of you threw the magic key on the ground!Rena: Not me!Charlotte: Any way, Albert, can you please put the magic key into tAlbert: No problem!第二幕《泰国之旅》(孩子们围着餐桌坐着,妈妈端上来晚餐,并坐下。)Mother(一边坐下一边说)Dinner time, kids!Rena: Where are we going this summer, mother?


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