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Task 1. Watch and answer: Discuss in groups: (小组选择一个话题讨论这些地方不整洁的原因,并在树叶上写出自己的建议) * 整洁的 [kli:n] beautiful and clean 城市 [ siti ] Our city Yangzhong Look at these pictures of our city messy and dirty [mesi] 乱七八糟的 [d?:ti] 肮脏的 Is the city clean? No, it isn’t. What makes our city dirty? 什么使我们的城市变脏? smoke from cars rubbish in water and the fish are dead factories rubbish Tip :Discuss in groups: (四人一组讨论问题) What makes our city dirty? 什么使我们的城市变脏? Look at these pictures of our city. Is our city clean? No, it isn’t. What makes our city dirty? Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. The river is dirty. There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. 空气 What makes our city dirty? 什么使我们的城市变脏? Task 2. Listen and repeat: Task 3.Ask and answer in pairs. Is the city clean? No, it’s not clean. What makes the air dirty? Smoke from cars and factories makes the air dirty. What makes the streets messy and dirty? Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. Is the river dirty? Yes, it’s dirty. What makes the river dirty? Rubbish makes the river dirty. (两人一组问答) We can…. We should keep our city clean! 城市是我们的家。 The city is our home. We should keep our city clean! 我们要保持城市整洁! Discuss in groups: (四人一组讨论问题) What can they do to keep their city clean? Task 5. Read and answer: What can we do to keep our city clean? We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can walk to school too. We can move some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean. Your ideas are great . Well done, class! 地铁 move…away from… 使…远离… Tip:自读课文P59,划出问题的答案 We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean. We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can walk to school too. We can move some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin. What can we do to keep our city clean?


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