
网络反腐信息系统构建研究——以广东省揭阳市为例-research on the construction of network anti-corruption information system - a case study of jieyang city, guangdong province.docx

网络反腐信息系统构建研究——以广东省揭阳市为例-research on the construction of network anti-corruption information system - a case study of jieyang city, guangdong province.docx

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网络反腐信息系统构建研究——以广东省揭阳市为例-research on the construction of network anti-corruption information system - a case study of jieyang city, guangdong province

I 万方数据 摘 要 随着近年来我国反腐力度的加大、民众民主观念的增强和参政意识的提高,以及网络 信息技术的快速发展,互联网已经成为反腐败斗争的一件重要利器。如何利用好网络反腐 这一利器,也成为新形势下反腐败工作的一项重要课题。 通过构建科学有效的网络反腐信息系统,让政府机构及其工作人员的行为置于整个社 会的关注、评议和监督下。这种全社会的关注和监督能够对腐败分子形成更加强烈的震摄 和警示作用,对整肃整个社会的风气、营造良好的官场生态环境、推动我国反腐败工作, 都具有重要的意义。 本文以制度预防腐败理论和善治理论为研究工具,以揭阳市反腐信息化建设为例进行 深入的分析和研究,构建更加科学有效的网络反腐信息系统。首先,系统地阐述揭阳市反 腐信息化建设的现状以及存在的问题,借鉴国内外网络反腐信息化建设的实践经验,结合 制度预防腐败理论,构建起教育、预防和惩治三大网络反腐信息系统。在完善和构建各个 子系统的基础上,通过建立统一的平台,形成一个立体式、全方位、标准化的网络反腐信 息系统。同时,结合善治理论,从宏观的层面提出要通过扩大民间力量反腐参与度、加大 政府信息公开的力度、利用法律与道德双重力量、加强法律支撑和法制保障、建立官民间 互动回应机制、加强信息系统建设的保障等措施, 创造一个良好的外部环境,推进网络反 腐信息化建设向纵深发展。 关键词:网络反腐;信息系统;制度预防腐败;善治 II 万方数据 Abstract With increase of anti-corruption efforts in recent years, and Strengthening of democratic ideas and participation consciousness, and the popularity of the Internet, network anti-corruption has become an effective tool to anti-corruption struggle in China. How to make good use of network anti-corruption is an important task of anti-corruption work under the new situation. By building a network of scientific and effective anti-corruption information systems, so that the behavior of government agencies and their staff under the supervision of the whole society. The supervision of the whole society shocks and warns effect to corruption. It has important significance to create a good environment of society and officialdom, and to promote anti-corruption work. The article takes the system corruption prevention theory and good governance theory as a research tool, to analysis and research the construction of anti corruption information of Jieyang as an example, and constructs a more scientific and effective information system for network anti-corruption. Firstly, the article elaborated the present situation and problems of anti-corruption informatization construction in Jieyang systematically. Learning the practical experience of network information construction from home and abroad, and using the system of corruption prevention theory, the article construct three maj



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