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绣花英语专业术语----- 进入绣花行业,希望有机会和大家交流。 M 3D Embrodiery (立体绣)- Using urethane foam to give 3 dimensional appearance to embroidery. Foam is placed on the material and then embroidered upon. A high stitch density is used to cut the foam for easy removal.(使用聚氨酯泡沫来使刺绣具有立体效果 。将泡沫放在布料上,然后在其上刺绣。进行高密度针刺绣,将泡沫切碎以便取出泡沫。) Acetate(醋酸纤维制品) - A salt or ester of acetic acid of cellulose made into a synthetic filament, yarn, or fabric. (一种醋酸盐或醋酸纤维素制成的一种人工细丝,纱线或者织物。) Aetze(德语) - 1. The breaking down or dissolving of a base fabric on which a lace pattern has been stitched, leaving only the stitched threads. (在一种基本织物上刺绣好图案后,消除该织物,只留下针线)2#41; Lace processing#59#59; may be wet aetze, involving a caustic soda bath or dry aetze, involving heat. (图案的处理:一种是湿处理,方法是用一种腐蚀性苏打水洗,另一种是干处理,方法是热处理。这些基本织物有以下这些:Pellonreg#59#59;和 Sol-U-Webreg#59#59; 或 Tear-N-Wash#8482#59#59;等。) Aetzing - The breaking down or dissolving of a base fabric on which a lace pattern has been stitched, leaving only the stitched threads. Allover (印花布) - Continuous embroidery on yarn goods. #40;不间断的刺绣#41; Angle(角度) - Editing function to rotate the pattern in a counterclockwise direction. Angle can be programmed in 1 degree increments up to 359. You can do it in embroidery software or embroidery machine directly.(一种编辑功能,能逆时针旋转图案。在程序中,角度值是从1度增加到359度的。在刺绣软件和刺绣机器上可直接使用这一功能。) Applique #40;Appliqué#41; (贴布)- Decoration or trimming cut from one piece of fabric and stitched to another, usually with a satin stitch around the edge. Adds dimension and/or texture to a design.also Can be used for economical or decorative purposes. Appliqu¨brvbar#59#59;s are frequently used to reduce overall embroidery stitch counts, execute reproductions of which embroidery is incapable #40;such as continuous-tone printing#41; and decorate substrates difficult to embroider directly. (从某一块织物上剪切下来并缝到其他织物上的装饰品,通常其边缘都打挨针。可增加一个图案的尺寸和(或)质地,也可用于节约或装饰的目的。贴布经常用于减少整个刺绣的针数。完成刺绣不能完成的织物(如连续颜色的印花),和很难直接绣出来的装饰底层。) Arm Machine (叶片机)- Multi head embroidery machine driven by a single


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