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Education Reforms and Current Problems 教育改革及当前问题 ★ Reforms ◇ The Education Act(教育法) ☆ Secondary Education ☆ Individual School ☆ A Controversial National Curriculum ▶ Subject Matter of Teaching ▶ Key Stage Test ★ Current Problems ☆ State School System ☆ Teacher ☆ UK’s education system ◇ The Education Act(教育法) 1· Secondary education up to 15 in 1944 (中等教育) 16 in 1973 2· Allowed individual schools to control their own affairs andbudgets,and to receive grants directly from the government in 1988 3·A Controversial National Curriculum was simplified (国民教育课程) in1944 ▶ Subject Matter of Teaching(教学题材) 1.At primary levels 3R’s : Reading wRiting aRithmetics (读) (写) (算) 2.At higher levels Science and Technology (科学与技术) The traditional:arts and humanities (文学和人文) ▶ Key Stage Test(关键阶段测试) “SATS” Scholastic Assessment Test 中文名称为学术能力评估考试,是由总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿市的美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)举办的。是美国高中生进入美国大学的标准入学考试,SAT考试成绩被美国3600余所大学接受认可,同时也被加拿大所有大学接受认可。由于SAT考试成绩是美国大学所能够得到的唯一可以比较来自不同地区和学校学生能力的成绩,因此它也是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考依据。 Four key stages For ages :5-7 7-11 11-14 14-16 ☆ State School System 1.Lack of funding 2.Crumbling infrastructure(基础设施) 3.Shortage of books and other equipment Shortage of teacher 大约10000个教师空缺,尤其是数学和科学 ☆ UK’s education system In 2001: the UK was ranked 11th in reading skills 5th in science 9th in math Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (经济合作与发展组织) 简称经合组织(OECD),是由34个市场经济国家组成的政府间国际经济组织,旨在共同应对全球化带来的经济、社会和政府治理等方面的挑战,并把握全球化带来的机遇。成立于1961年,目前成员国总数34个,总部设在巴黎 The Programme for International Student Assessme


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