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Golden Gate Bridge Introduction to the bridge Introduction to the bridge The bridge more than in the United States, California, more than 1900 meters wide of the golden gate strait. Golden gate at the entrance of the San Francisco bay, on both sides of the steep, channel depth, for the 1579 British explorer Francis drake found, and by his name. 大桥雄峙于美国加利福尼亚州宽1900多米的金门海峡之上。金门海峡为旧金山海湾入口处,两岸陡峻,航道水深,为1579年英国探险家弗朗西斯·德雷克发现,并由他命名。 Introduction to the bridge Introduction to the bridge Introduction to the bridge The golden gate bridge construction in 1933, completed in May 1937, it took more than four years, and 100000 tons of steel, at a cost of $35.5 million. The whole bridge model is magnificent, austere. Bridge is scarlet, lying on the blue sea, white, the lights are lit, such as the dragon volley, the city of San Francisco sky view more magnificent. 金门大桥于1933年动工,1937年5月竣工,用了4年时间和10万多吨钢材,耗资达3550万美元。整个大桥造型宏伟壮观、朴素无华。桥身呈朱红色,横卧于碧海白浪之上,华灯初放,如巨龙凌空,使旧金山市的夜空景色更见壮丽。 Introduction to the bridge The golden gate bridge is a symbol of San Francisco, its majestic sweep, attracting countless visitors. The famous bridge, however, people today and give it the name of a new frightening - the bridge of death. It is said that since the bridge was built more than 50 years, jump into the sea from the golden gate bridge of suicide has more than one thousand people. 金门大桥是旧金山的象征,它以雄伟磅礴的气势,吸引着无数的游客。然而,这座闻名遐迩的大桥,今天人们又赋予它一个新的令人恐惧的名字——死亡之桥。据说自从大桥建成以来的50多年间,从金门大桥上跳海自杀者已超过千人。 That’s all



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