
三维角色建模 毕业论文msu1ema6.doc

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三维角色建模 毕业论文msu1ema6

三维角色建模 摘 要 一个动画角色是一部好的动画片的重要要素,观众对一个动画角色的价值 判断不单纯停留在其外在的造型层面,还包括对角色性格内涵的认同。伴随着 动画的产业化进程,动画角色形象的价值逐渐被提升到商务运作的高度。拥有 独特性格魅力的动画角色不仅具有深远的艺术价值,而且蕴涵着巨大的市场与 利润,它拓宽了动画持续盈利的后续空间,由动画角色形象衍生出来的产品蕴 藏着比传统商品更大的文化价值和商业价值。 独特的性格魅力是一个动画角色的灵魂,动画角色的人气的高低与其性格魅力 有着密切的联系。将一定的商业因素融入动画的艺术创作中是动画片产业化运 作的突破口。通过对动画角色的形象设计、标准造型设计和动作设计等多种要 素综合体现角色的性格魅力。 主要内容分为三大板块。第1部分是创意与构思,集中在第1章,主要是讲 角色在动画中的作用与特点。第2部分包括第2— 5章,主要讲解角色建模的原则、重点、运用软件以及关键性技术。第3部分是 讲述角色建模的流程主要集中在第六章。 关键字:动画;角色;艺术价值;设计 Abstract An animated characters is a good animation audience for the important elements, the value of a character animation in their judgment is not simply stay outside modelling level, but also to the connotation of character recognition. With animation industrialization process, the value of animation role image is gradually ascending to the height of the business operation. With unique personality charm of the animated characters not only has profound artistic value, and it contains huge market and profit, it broadened animation subsequent space, consistently profitable by animation role image derivatives products containing more than traditional cultural value of the goods and the commercial value. Unique personality charm is the soul of a character animation, the discretion of the character animation in its popularity is closely related to the charismatic personality. Will the certain commercial factors into animation art creation is a cartoon in the industrialization operation breakthrough. Based on the character design, animation design standard modelling design and action of various elements such as comprehensive reflect character charm. Main content is divided into three blocks. Part 1 is the creative and conception, concentrated in chapter 1, mainly is the role in animation tell role with characteristics. The second part includes the first 2-5 chapters, covers character modeling princ


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