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24 24 24 26 22 P: Asset =30 (Other assets 15+investment 15) Equity=30 Own E=3 +50% of S.=9.5 S: A=100 L=70 E=30 EBI=20 Earnings=13 Debt ratio? ROA ROE? Other transactions between? if parent owns 40 percent of subsidiary and overcharges this subsidiary by $1 billion for the sale of inventory, the parent will increase its earnings by $600 million in the current year and defer the remaining $400 million until the inventory is sold by the subsidiary to a third party. Under consolidation a parent has to defer all profit in inter-company transactions. 34 P12(10 minutes) (Investment account after two years) P16(10 minutes) (Reporting of equity income and transfers) P23 (30 minutes) (Conversion to equity method, sale of investment, and unrealized gains) P25 (25 Minutes) (Preparation of journal entries for two years, includes losses and intercompany transfers of inventory) P27. (30 Minutes) (Compute equity balances for three years. Includes intercompany inventory transfer) P29 (Equity income balances for two years, includes intercompany transfers) Comparability; easy to follow; 中国建设银行——CBC(Construction Bank of China)——“存不存?” 中国银行——BC(Bank of China)——“不存。” 中国农业银行——ABC(Agriculture Bank of China)——“啊,不存” 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industry and Commercial Bank of China)——“爱存不存” 招商银行——CMBC——“存吗??白痴!” 兴业银行—CIB——“存一百” 国家开发银行——(CHINA DEVELOPMENT BANK):CDB——存点吧!” 北京市商业银行——BCCB(BEIJING CITY COMMERCIAL BANK)——白存存不?” 汇丰银行——(HSBC)还是不存” No The ability to exert significant influence is the determining factor in applying the equity method 6 80% situation 6 A substantial or majority ownership by another investor does not necessarily preclude an investor from having significant influence ---IAS If the investment is for short term, not equity method --IAS If the investment is for short term, not equity method --IAS 3 Trading securities are held for the purpose of re-sale in the short term. Unrealized holding gains and losses are included in reported earnings. Available-for-sale securitie


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