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以Q 方法處理動物保護政策中的道德爭議 :動物保護團體相關政策之執行方向 嚴伯彥 國立臺南大學行政管理系碩士班研究生 摘要 國內動物保護政策(以下簡稱動保政策)自 1998 年 11 月4 日實施「動物保 護法後」以降,政府面臨具有道德爭議之棘手問題。例如在絕育政策上,正方基 於透過減少繁衍來抑制動物被棄養為流浪犬貓之可能而贊成,反方則因其剝奪 生物自然繁衍之權利 而反對,此類涉及之價值爭議在雙方皆不願妥協下,使政 策推行不易。然而,若能在眾多意見中探詢出共識處,則利於政策之推行。反之, 若吾人能探詢出在諸多政策方中,各方意見歧異較大之處,便能提供政府將其列 入暫緩推行之政策,因若推行不具共識的政策則可能會面臨較多的阻力。 為求得道德爭議中各方意見之共識與差異處,則勢必須有一個研究方法能分 析出受試者對於該議題之論述結構,因此本研究採用 Q 方法進行研究,透過該 研究方法將受試者之意見進行分類,同時在這些分類中找出相同及差異處,釐清 在眾多論述下之國內動保政策中,存在哪幾類主要之論述觀點,以及在這些論述 中之共識與差異性,以利於對國內動保政策及動物保護團體提出適切建議。 【關鍵詞】動保政策、道德爭議、動物保護團體、Q 方法 Abstract Since the animal protection policy has been implemented in Taiwan, our government has faced moral disputes for a long time. For instance, in the trap-neuter-release policy, people who supports the policy are in favor of reducing the number of animal-Abandonment rates. On the other side, people who are against the policy oppose to the deprivation of the natural behaviors rights of animals. These kinds of policies which involve moral disputes caused the reason why our animal protection policy can not be smoothly conducted in Taiwan. However, the consensus on this issue, are the key to overcome the difficulties in the policy. In our research, we managed to condense the consensus and differences among the antithesis in order to suggest what our government and animal protection association should do initially, and should avoid doing now. How to deal with the problems? It is important to use an appropriate methodology. The methodology must have the function that could find out the consensus and differences on subjective from the subjects. Therefore, Our article was tempted to using Q Methodology for the requirement. Key words: Animal Protection Policy, Moral Disputes, Animal Protection Association


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