real story behind the Polio vaccine 8230;. - Vaccine Liberation Army精品文档.doc

real story behind the Polio vaccine 8230;. - Vaccine Liberation Army精品文档.doc

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real story behind the Polio vaccine 8230;. - Vaccine Liberation Army精品文档

By Tom Valentine ??Winter 1996 ???? The idea of vaccinations to protect an individual against disease-causing germs was actually invented and practiced before mankind knew anything about germs. That’s right, it started early in the 1700’s when somebody got the idea (theory) that mixing the blood of a smallpox or plague survivor with an untested person might somehow pass along protection. They would make incisions in the hands or arms and much like we’ve seen “blood brothers” made in the movies, they would press the wounds together. ???? History says Edward Jenner conceived of vaccinating people against the dread smallpox (a viral infection), by pricking them with a cowpox tainted instrument back in 1796, yet mankind didn’t have the germ theory of disease, let alone know anything about viruses, until the time of Bechamp and Pasteur almost a century later. Koch’s postulate (the basis of the germ theory diagnostics by Robert Koch) wasn’t put forth until 1882. ???? So, Jenner developed a vaccination theory before we knew anything of the immune system and infectious pathogens. And, until the invention of the electron microscope in the 1930’s scientists knew virtually nothing about viruses. ???? Roger Bacon is credited for pointing out that “man can do much more than he knows.” The “cowpox” inoculations against smallpox first conceived by Jenner is a good example of doing without knowing. If the truth be told, we are still “doing” a lot more than we “know” when it comes to immunization programs today. ???? However, we certainly know more than they did back in Jenner’s time, or Pasteur’s time, or even the times of Jonas Salk in the 1950’s when polio was allegedly eradicated by vaccines. And after reading this article, you will know a lot more about the history of vaccines than you ever imagined. ???? Today there are two polarized camps—the established medicine, public health policy pro-vaccination camp and the anti-vaccination, freedom of choice camp. ???? The vast majo



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