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高危药物的监测干预研究 成明建 ,黄齐慧,薛建文,谢林(广东省云浮市人民医院,云浮 527300) 摘要:目的 在我院建立高危药物监测系统,对高危药物进行监测干预,确保患者用药安全。方法 对医生、护士和药师作关于高危药物的开放式问卷调查,鉴别最具风险的十10位10位药物,并说明风险因素和严重后果。回收问卷,对调查结果统计分析,制定我院特有高危药物目录和监测干预方案;并采用进行回顾性分析,比较实施高危药物的监测和干预前(2008年1~12月381217例患者),实施后(2009年1~12月392478例患者)高危药物不良事件及高危药物的不良反应。结果 建立了含20类药,38个具体种?品种的高危药物目录(P<0.01);制定了具体的监测干预方案和电子警示系统;高危药物不良事件由干预前30件/年降至干预后3件/年,高危药物不良反应发生由监测干预前281件/年降至监测干预后130件/年。结论 医院建立高危药物监测系统,对高危药物的监测和干预,可以降低了高危药物不良事件及高危药物不良反应发生。 10 ? 关键词:高危药物;监测系统;监测干预;药物错误;用药安全 中图分类号:R95 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Study on the Monitoring and Intervention with High-alert Medications CHENG Ming-jian HUANG Qi-hui XUE Jian-wen XIE Lin ( the yunfu people’s hospital yufu 527300) ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To ensure the patients’ medication safety by establishing the monitoring systems of high-alert medications in our hospital , monitoring and intervention with high-alert medications .METHODS a open-ended surveys to physicians, Nurses and pharmacists was maded which asked each participant to identify their top ten high-alert medications and their perceptions of each medication’s risks and outcome if misuse . A high-alert medications list and a scheme about monitoring and intervention were maded by recoverying the questionnaires and making a statistical analysis. A retrospective sdudy was conduct which on effectiveness of monitoring and intervention with high-alert medications in 381217 patients in year of 2007(before intervention ) and in 392748 patients in year of 2009 (after intervention ). RESULTS 20 medication classes and 38 specific medications were determined to be high alert, P<0.01 for observed compared to expected responses. A scheme about monitoring and intervention and a computer alerting system were maded. The high-alert medications adverse events reduce from 30 before intervention to 3 after intervention(P<0.01)The ADR reduce from 281 before intervention to 130 after intervention(P<0.05). CONCLUSION monitoring and intervention with high-alert medications by c


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