中国-英国r&d发展比较研究-a comparative study of r & d development between china and britain.docx

中国-英国r&d发展比较研究-a comparative study of r & d development between china and britain.docx

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摘要 R&D (research and development),指在科学技术领域,为增加知识总量(包括人 类文化和社会知识的总量),以及运用这些知识去创造新的应用进行的系统的创造性的 活动,包括基础研究、应用研究、试验发展三类活动。可译为“研究与开发”、“研究 与发展”或“研究与试验性发展”。本文通过运用大量的数据和图表,对R&D投入进行 了分析研究,并采用比较分析法,从经费投入总量、经费来源结构、经费投入结构、经 费投入强度以及人员配置五个方面分析了中英两国的R&D发展情况。 通过分析发现,与世界各国相比,英国在经济投入总额以及经费投入强度上一直处 于遥遥领先的地位,R&D总量一直保持小幅度增长,R&D强度一直保持在1.8左右,科 研经费主要由企业自主研发,政府进行基础性科研投入,综合研究与开发能力位居世界 前列。英国是世界老牌资本主义工业强国,而我国成为新的世界工厂,英国R&D发展对 我国具有较强的借鉴意义,虽然我国在R&D总量及R&D强度上超越英国,但是我国的 科研实力应经超越英国了吗?这是值得我们思考的问题。英国重视基础研究投入,尤其 将拓展学科理论以及推动产业升级放在最突出的位置,依然值得我们学习。 本文不仅对中英R&D投入进行对比分析,而且还分析了世界其他发达国家和地区的 R&D发展现状,并一一进行了对比,借鉴了发达国家政府制定的政策、科研领域的先进 管理模式以及科研方法,分析了我国在体制、国情、政策等方面的薄弱之处,并在此基 础上从R&D投入、政策制定以及企业推动等方面提出了有针对性建议。 关键词:中国,英国,R&D活动,经费投入,人员投入,科研创新 i iii iii PAGE PAGE iv Abstract As the 21st century is the age of information and knowledge, facing the economic globalization and technological development, many countries start to emphasis the innovation of technology. The independent innovation plays important role in the social development and thus becomes the key tool to strength the comprehensive competence. Nowadays, China has made the innovation as the national strategy. R&D activities not only improve the creation process but also reinforce the knowledge learning. The general R&D expenditure has shown an upward trend which is reflected by the fund as well as the expertise. This paper adopts the description modes with a series of data and charts to analyze the R&D development between UK and China from five sections: fund expenditure, fund intensity, fund sources, fund structure and human resource arrangement. The research said that the intensity and amount of UK’s R&D input ranks the top of the world. However, since the 1990s, UK had lagged behind other developed countries in the direct expenditure, which aversely affected the scientific improvement. After the 21st century, the British government enlarged the funding in high technological fields, thus contributing to the national economy. Moreover, the main force of fundi



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