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HYPERLINK "" 美联英语提供:美联英语:形容心碎的经典句子 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接: HYPERLINK "/?tid=16-73374-0" /?tid=16-73374-0   1.The Fault in Our Stars, John Green   《星运里的错》 约翰·格林   "Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you."   “我不介意,哈泽尔·格雷斯。我很荣幸你能让我心碎。”   Why this breaks your heart: When you’re in that first yearning stage —standing on the outer edges of love and peering into it —you think that surely you can withstand any heartbreak that may result from lending your heart to someone else. You beautiful fool.   心碎理由:最初的时候,你站在爱的边缘、窥探其中,任何因为全心全意爱一个人而心碎的痛苦,你都认为自己能够承受。你个美丽的傻瓜。   2.Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery   《绿山墙的安妮》 露西·莫德·蒙哥马利   There is no use in loving things if you have to be torn from them. Is there? And it's so hard to keep from loving things, isn't it?   因为爱一个人而受到伤害有什么意义呢?但不去爱又真的很难,不是吗?   Why this breaks your heart: You know too well that all beginnings have their endings, even if they're way off somewhere far. It’s tempting to try and protect your heart to keep it from ever breaking. But! A heart that's never used is also broken.   心碎理由:你心知肚明,任何开始都有结尾,即使它们偏离了最初的终点。人会出于本能地保护自己的心免受破碎之苦,但是!如果你连尝试爱的勇气都没有,那么你也会感受到心碎之苦。   3.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum   《绿野仙踪》 莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆   I think you are wrong to want a heart. It makes most people unhappy. If you only knew it. You are in luck not to have a heart.   我认为你想拥有一颗心的想法是错误的。心,让大部分人都不开心,如果你知道这一点,就会庆幸自己没有心是多么的幸运。   Why this breaks your heart: Because to live is to be hurt, although that shouldn't ever stop you from doing all that awful, wonderful,bittersweet living.   心碎理由:虽然你会经历糟糕、美好、苦乐参半的生活,但只要活着就会受伤。   4.The Little Mermaid, Hans Christian Andersen   《海的女儿》 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生   Never had she danced so beautifully; the sharp knives cut her feet, but she did not feel it, for the pain in her heart was far greater.   她从没有跳得那么美;锋利的刀伤到了她的脚,但是她没有感觉到,因为她的心远比伤口痛。   Why this breaks your heart: Sometimes you put yourself out there and, well. And nothing.   心碎理由:有时你只能硬撑着着,强颜欢笑。痛苦让你无话可说。   5


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