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变频器在中央空调系统中的应用 变频器在中央空调系统中的应用 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化 指导教师: 摘要 近年来,随着城市高楼大厦的不断涌现,人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对居住和工作的环境要求也越来越高,冬暖夏凉是人们共同的要求。中央空调系统正好满足了人们的要求,但是中央空调系统每年所耗费的能源大概占整个建筑能耗的60%,所以节能问题就摆在了人们面前。 本文提出将变频器运用于中央空调系统中,使电机的输出功率跟随负载的变化,在很多程度上节约了能源。另一方面,在中央空调系统中一般都有一台专门用来制取卫生热水的主机。夏天,由于中央空调系统中的冷却水一般只有37摄氏度,很难直接利用,利用热泵机组和板式换热器将建筑物集中供应的卫生热水需要的热能与中央空调制冷过程中排放的冷却水热能联动、沟通供热与放热这两个价值链、形成建筑物内的热能循环。冬天,可以运用建筑物内的消防水来代替冷却水,实现热能循环利用、达到减少排放、节约能源的目的。 关键词 :中央空调 变频器 节能 Abstract In recent year, with the constantly emerging of the high buildings and large mansions in city and the constantly improvement of the people’s living standards ,the people to the ask of the surroundings of the work condition and reside become more and more important cool in summer and warm in winter is the common need of people. The center air-condition system meet the need of the people .But the energy consumption of the center aid-condition system takes 60% in the buildings every year .so the problem of the saving energy before people. In this text. The converter will be applied in the central air-conditioning system the output power of the electrical load with the changes In many extent .saving energy .On the other hand .At the central air-conditioning systems in general have a system devoted to the health of hot water for the host .In summer Since the central air-conditioning system in the cooling water generally only 37 centigrade. It is hard to the direct use .Use of heat pump units and plate heat exchanger will focus on building water supply to the health needs of the-heat and central air-conditioning cooling process of cooling water emissions of heat Link age .there is a value chain about communication with the heat of the two heating .building a thermal cycle In winter In buildings it can use water to the fire instead of cooling water Implementation of heat recycling to reduce emissions energy conservation purposes. Keywords: central air-conditioning system, transducer, energy saving 目录 摘要


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