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Abstract In present days, employee turnover rate is very high. How to reduce this rate is a big problem facing to enterprise’s administrator. Employee turnover situation is stated. This paper analyzes various explicit and tacit harms that caused by employee’s turnover, such as cost losing, productive efficiency decreasing, employee’s morale impact, etc. This paper also analyzes macro factors----policy, industry, area, and micro factors----enterprise’ organizational environment, human resource management and personal reason that cause high turnover rate. Based on general statement of employee’s turnover theories, from administrator’s prospective, the author proposes some solutions and measurements against this problem. First of all, organizational environment should be improved including organizational scale, organizational culture, and vision. It will help reduce and erase organizational factors that causes turnover.  Second, scientific human resource management system should be constructed and improved, such as compensation, performance appraisal and train. Third, media variable of turnover should be supervised. Organization should pay more attention on local labor market and adjust strategy according to demand and need changes of labor market.  In the last part of this paper, the author analyzes and diagnoses employee turnover reasons of LG Real Estate Company as a case. According to characteristics of LG, such as small scale, swift development and under-normative management, the author proposes a set of solution, including redesigning compensation system, performance appraisal system and enforcing train, etc. Key words: Real estate  Turnover  Motivation II 1  房地产企业人员流失问题研究的必要性和重要性 1.1  房地产企业人员流失问题研究的必要性 在房地产行业高速发展的今天,房地产企业所处的政策环境充满了不确定性,行 业内企业的联合、整合等等事件层出不穷,标志着新一轮的竞争已经开始。伴随着行 业整合脚步的是行业内趋之若鹜的人员流动,很多房地产企业的人员流失已经到了非 常严重的地步:深圳地产人才出走外地、福建地产企业频繁发生的高管异动等现象, 虽然原因虽然各有不同,但是都说明了现阶段房地产企业人员流失问题的严重性。然 而现在大数地产企业的决策者们却没有对这种人员流失问题引起足够的重视,他们关 注的焦点仍然停留在土地和资金上,


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