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l 玉林师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计) 玉林师范学院本科生毕业论文 论新入园小班幼儿分离焦虑及其对策 Admission of New Separation Anxiety Young Children in Small Classes and Countermeasures 院 系 教育科学系 专 业 学前教育 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导教师单位 教育科学系 指导教师姓名 指导教师职称 副教授 论新入园小班幼儿分离焦虑及其对策 教育科学系 摘要 在幼儿园开学之初,新入园的小班幼儿正处在从家庭到幼儿园的适应、过渡阶段,幼儿总会有哭闹的现象,这是幼儿分离焦虑的一种信号。当幼儿出现分离的时候,如果得不到及时有效的处理,就会严重影响幼儿的健康成长。怎样缓解幼儿的分离焦虑、安定幼儿的情绪成为这一时期幼儿园教师工作的主要任务。本文通过收集和整理了大量的有关资料,研究了新入园小班幼儿分离焦虑的表现和危害,总结出影响幼儿分离焦虑的多种因素,并针对这些因素提出了消除新入园小班幼儿分离焦虑的对策。 关键词:幼儿,新入园,分离焦虑,对策 The Anxiety of Separation of Young Children in Kindergarten and Strategies Pre-2006 Huang Si -Juan Instructor Huang Jun-guan Abstract At the beginning of a term in kindergarten, children are in the period to adapt to the transition phase of nursery separating from the family. There is always a phenomenon of crying, which is a signal of separation anxiety. If there are no any timely and effective actions, it will seriously affect the healthy growth of children when separation occurs. It becomes main task for teachers in kindergarten to reduce the children’ separation anxiety and stabilize their emotions during this period. This paper researches the performance of separation anxiety and its disadvantages by collecting and sorting out a lot of relevant information. The paper also analyzes the factors which affect children’s separation anxiety. The author brings up some suggestions on how to eliminate young children’s separation anxiety. Key words:Children, new admission, separation anxiety, countermeasures 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 一 分离焦虑表现及危害 PAGEREF _Toc263100753 \h 1 (一)分离焦虑概念的界定 PAGEREF _Toc263100754 \h 1 (二)分离焦虑的表现 PAGEREF _Toc263100755 \h 1 (三)分离焦虑的危害 PAGEREF _Toc263100756 \h 3 1 过度的分离焦虑引发幼儿身体的各种疾病 PAGEREF _Toc263100757 \h 3 2 过度的分离焦虑阻碍幼儿智力的正常发展 PAGEREF _Toc263100758 \h 3 3 过度的分离焦虑阻碍幼儿心理的健康成长 PAGEREF _Toc263100759 \h 3 二 幼儿分离焦虑产生的原因 PAGEREF _Toc263100760 \h 3 (一)家庭因素 PAGEREF _Toc263100763 \h 3 1 家长对孩子的过度溺爱,导致孩子的独立性差 PAGEREF _Toc263100764 \h 3 2 家庭环境封



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