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l 河南财经学院本科生毕业论文 河南金鑫国际珠宝公司营销策略分析 专  业 市场营销 学  号 姓  名 指导教师 教授 摘要 珠宝市场是一个以稀缺性资源为依托的特殊行业,品牌效应在企业发展中占据重要地位,而金鑫珠宝提出了走国美、苏宁等家电连锁企业的发展模式,走名品进名店的连锁发展战略。这在珠宝行业是一种大胆的尝试,有很好的研究价值和意义。本研究课题主要目的是要通过对珠宝行业及公司情况的研究,依据所学市场营销理论及通过实习所掌握的资料,分析河南金鑫国际珠宝公司当前的市场营销策略,进而发现一些问题并提出自己的观点和建议。 本文对河南珠宝首饰行业的宏观环境及行业竞争现状进行详细分析,明确了金鑫珠宝公司所处的外部环境。然后,运用SWOT分析法分析公司现状。再次,用STP原理分析公司的基本营销策略,明确公司的目标市场,并在产品、价格、渠道和促销营销组合中予以实施,从而形成了一个公司系统的营销策略,并对营销策略在实施过程中应当注意的问题提出了建议,使营销策略具有一定的实用性和可操作性。 关键词: 营销策略;SWOT分析;STP策略;4P策略 Abstract The jewelry market is the one taken the scarcity resources as the special profession ,which depends on the brand effect in the enterprise development. But the Jinxin jewelry proposed walks on the development patterns of Gome and Suning which is the famous work to enter the famous shop,the chain-like developmental strategy .In the jewelry profession this is one kind of bold attempt and has the very good research value and the significance.The main purpose of this topic is analyzed current market marketing strategy of the Henan Jinxin international jewelry company through to the jewelry profession and the company situation research depending on the studiing of marketing theory and the material which grasps through the practice, then discovered some questions and propose my own viewpoint and the suggestion. This article carries on the PESTIN theory to the Henan jewelry profession macroscopic environment and the profession competition present situation and clears the external environment which the Jinxin jewelry company locates.Then, it utilizes the SWOT analytic method analysis the present situation of this company.Once more,it analysis companys basic marketing strategy and clears the goal market of the company, and gives suggestions to implement the product, the price, the channel and the promotion marketing combination. Thus it has formed a company system marketing strategy and points the question which had to pay attention in the implementation process and proposed the suggestion of m



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