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毕 业 论 文 题 目 客户关系管理水平对企业绩效的影响研究 ——以华新水泥股份有限公司为例 学 院 管 理 学 院 专 业 工 商 管 理 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 摘 要 在现代商业,随着企业的竞争日趋白热化,企业间的竞争从有形资源更扩展到管理方法、技术创新、人力资源,直到最终争夺市场份额。顾客资源是企业的重要资源,长久持续的客户资源是企业存在的前提,保持和扩展客户资源是企业不断追求的目标。CRM(客户关系管理)是二十世纪一种创新的管理模式,并对公司的发展和盈利做出重大贡献,CRM 增强了企业的竞争优势,是二十一世纪乃至未来企业形成竞争优势的一个重要管理工具,也是当今企业纷纷实施CRM 项目的根本原因。 本文试图以华新水泥股份有限公司为例从一种整合的视角来衡量企业在实施CRM 时,CRM 的各个因素实施水平与企业绩效之间的关系,企业可以有针对性地来调整CRM实施的不同管理层面,达到最优化实施效果的目的。不断促进科技进步和发展先进生产力、增强企业综合实力和核心竞争力起到重要的指导作用,而且可以在一定程度上折射出同类企业在客户关系管理方面存在的一些问题,也可以提供一种研究类似问题的思路及解决类似问题的方法。 关键词:客户关系管理;企业绩效;实证研究;战略 ABSTRACT In modern business, as the enterprises of the intensified competition, the competition among enterprises is more extended from the physical resources management, technological innovation, human resources, until the final fight for market share. Customer resources is an important resource, enduring customer resource is the premise of existence of the business, maintaining and expanding customer resource is the constant pursuit of the goal.CRM (customer relationship management) is an innovative management style of the twentieth century,, and make an significant contribution to the growth and profitability of the company, CRM enhances the competitive advantage of the company, and has been an important management tool of a competitive advantage in the twenty-first century and the future of a company, and is also the root causes of the implementation of CRM projects today so many companies use. This article attempts to integrate Hua xin Cement Co., Ltd. as an example and from a business perspective to measure the relationship in the implementation of CRM, CRM implementation level of each factor of the relationship between corporate performance, companies can be targeted to adjust the CRM implementation



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