新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit6-Section A-Under the bombs 1945.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit6-Section A-Under the bombs 1945.ppt

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When sb. look back, sb. is / are / feel adj. that … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人在回想往事时的感受”。 句型应用 典型例句 想起在去年严重的旱灾中,所有的湖泊和水井都干枯了,农民们依然心有余悸。 意群提示 When the farmers look back to the serious drought during which the lakes and wells all dried up last year, they are still haunted with fear. 没考虑有危险,我开始朝着投下炸弹的森林方向跑。 原句译文 逆译练习 Unable to conceive of the danger, I start running toward the forest, in the direction of the falling bombs. (Line 6, Para.2) 句型提炼 Unable to do sth. , sb. do sth. else. 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“由于不能做没事,某人开始做另一件事”。 句型应用 典型例句 没有考虑到艾滋病的严重程度,该医院依然按照计划裁减了很多医护人员。 意群提示 Unable to conceive of the severity of AIDS, the hospital kept their original plan and dismissed a lot of medical workers. 对正常情况下的人们来说,冬天只不过是另一个季节。但是对于战时的穷人来说,冬天是一个灾难,一个无处不在,持续不断的威胁。 原句译文 逆译练习 Winter is but another season for those in normal condition, but for the poor during wartime, winter is a disaster, a pervasive and constant threat. (Line 2, Para.6) 句型提炼 Sth. is but another sth. for sb., but for sb. else, it’s … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“同一实物在不同情境下对不同对象的不同意义”。 句型应用 典型例句 战争对于那些政客来说只不过是一场输赢的角逐,但是对于无辜的老百姓来说,是一个巨大的灾难和永远的心理创伤。 意群提示 War is but another competition for the political leaders, but for the innocent civilians, war is a tremendous disaster and permanent psychological trauma. a. Where to, I don’t know; but I do understand that flight has suddenly become some kind of higher necessity, some new form of life.(Para.3, L2) 到哪,我不知道, 但是我知道逃跑突然变成了某种必须要做的事情,一种新的生存方式。 b. He can’t move; he is paralyzed, another casualty of a landmine. (Para.4, L2) 他不能动,已经瘫痪了,又一个地雷的受害者。 c. My mind is always drawn back to that first day in the meadow, the explosions destroying the peaceful flowers and the na?ve days of my childhood. (Para.9, L1) 我的记忆总是被拉回到第一天在草地上的情形,那天,爆炸打破了花丛的宁静,也打破了我童年的纯真时光。 1. Does war solve problems, or create new ones in today’s world? 2. Can you name several factors contributing to a war? 3. How do you think about the relationship between war and peace? Tips Tips Tips War sometimes does help some tough



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