新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit 7 SectionA-Energy and Food Crises.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit 7 SectionA-Energy and Food Crises.ppt

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新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit 7 SectionA-Energy and Food Crises

典型例句 曾经被称颂将会成为“票房神话”的那位知名导演的最新影片,结果却让他的影迷们大失所望。 意群提示 The latest?movie of that famous director, once hailed as “a would-be?box-office?marvel”, has turned out a great disappointment to his fans. 迄今为止一直被证明是稳定可靠的矿物燃料终将消失,这让我们别无选择,只能作好准备,迎接新的能源综合利用时代的到来。 原句译文 逆译练习 The eventual depletion of fossil fuels that hitherto proved so reliable has left us with no choice but to prepare for a new age of energy synthesis. (Para. 3) 句型提炼 … has left us with no choice but to do … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达 “使某人别无选择,只好……”。 句型应用 典型例句 他的病使他别无选择,只好提前退休。 意群提示 His illness left him with no choice but to retire at an earlier age. 1. Inexpensive and seemingly abundant non-renewable energy from dead plants and extinct animals fueled the 20th century economy, but geologists, climatologists, environmentalists, and many others are warning that the honeymoon may soon be over.(Para. 2, L15) 死去的植物和动物所产生的价格低廉且看似充足的非再生能源推动了20世纪的经济发展,但地理学家、气候学家、环境学家以及其他许多人都在警告我们:这样美好的时光很快就要结束了。 2. The solar apparatus itself is ready for many new business and consumer applications, but it is way too expensive to replace the old combustion machinery of gears and motors with new electronic technology of semiconductors and transistors on a global or even a national scale.(Para. 5, L5) 太阳能设备本身已是技术成熟,可以使商业和消费者进行许多新型应用,但是,在全球或者即便是在全国范围内,用新型的半导体和晶体管电子技术取代老式的用齿轮和发动机驱动的燃烧设备,其成本实在太高。 3. The principle behind it is that wind converts rotary force into electricity by turning the blades of the turbine clockwise or counterclockwise around an axis. (Para. 6, L2) 风能的原理是:风通过驱动涡轮机叶片按顺时针或逆时针方向绕着一个轴旋转,从而把转动时所产生的力转换成电能。 4. The answer instead must come from a family of diverse energy technologies that share a unified purpose –they do not deplete our natural resources or destroy our environment.(Para. 9, L5) 相反,答案须来自一系列各种不同的能源技术。这些技术有一个共同目的:它们不会耗尽我们的自然 资源,也不会破环我们的环境。 Do you think the world will experience an energy crisis in the near future? Why or why not? What problems may occur if there is an energy crisis? World oil prices are chan



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