新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit6-Section B-Smith and Luis.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit6-Section B-Smith and Luis.ppt

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(仿佛活着)开始动起来 Flowers, trees and wildlife come to life in the spring when the warm weather and long days return. come to life 短语逆译 短语应用 天气变暖,白昼变长,花朵、树木以及野生动物在春天里都变得生气勃勃了。 意群提示 清点;登记 The teacher checked off the students’ names on the list, and permitted them to enter the classroom. check sth. off 短语逆译 短语应用 老师在名单上清点了学生的名字,然后允许他们进了教室。 意群提示 损毁;摧毁 Both drivers got out from their vehicles and looked ready to tear each other apart. tear sth. apart 短语逆译 短语应用 两个司机从车里出来,都是一副要把对方撕成碎片的架势。 意群提示 老是想着,唠叨(令人不快的事) It does not do any good to dwell on dreams and forget to live. dwell on/upon 短语逆译 短语应用 沉湎于虚幻的梦想而忘记现实的生活是毫无益处的。 意群提示 中断,放弃(活动) “Okay,” said the teacher, “let’s continue with our analysis of the Second World War where we left off when the bell rang yesterday.” leave off 短语逆译 短语应用 “ 好的,”老师说,“我们接着从昨天下课时中断的地方继续对第二次世界大战进行分析。” 意群提示 恳求某人(做某事) On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activist plead with the government not to soft-pedal. plead with sb. (to do sth.) 短语逆译 短语应用 自然环境保护活动分子请求政府不要对工业污染问题采取低调态度。 意群提示 Functional Patterns Functions Usages 1. It has been … since … 用于表达“自从……以来已经有一段时间了”。 2. What sb. could never have imagined was that … 用于表达“某人绝对没有想到的是……”。 3. Try as sb. might, … As引导的倒装句,用于表达“做某事虽然尽了最大努力,仍无法做到”。 句型提炼 他上一次见到他们之后,就被派到这里已经过了一年多了。 原句译文 逆译练习 It had been more than a year since he’d been deployed and last seen them. (Para. 4, L3) It has been … since … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“自从……以来已经有一段时间了”。 句型应用 It has been more than thousands of years since the Silk Road traded Chinese silk, tea, and porcelain to the Western World. 典型例句 丝绸之路把中国的丝绸、茶叶和瓷器传到西方国家已经有数千年的历史了。 意群提示 史密斯绝对没有想到的是他再也见不到路易斯了。 原句译文 逆译练习 What Smith could never have imagined was that he would never see Luis again. (Para. 16, L3) 句型提炼 What sb. could never have imagined was that … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人绝对没有想到的是……”。 句型应用 What he could never have imagined was that he would declare his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. 典型例句 他绝对没有想到自己会宣布参加民主党总统候选人的竞选。 意群提示 尽管他竭尽全力,熟悉的标志却都消失了。 原句译文



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