新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit7-Section A-Surviving an economic crisis.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit7-Section A-Surviving an economic crisis.ppt

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勉强筹集,凑足 They hardly scrape up enough money for the train fare. scrape sth. together/up 短语逆译 短语应用 他们几乎连火车票的钱都凑不齐。 意群提示 Practical phrases 栖身之所;住处 Finding a roof over their head has become a real problem for thousands of young people seeking a home of their own. a roof over one’s head 短语逆译 短语应用 对成千上万想有一个家的年轻人来说,找到可以栖身的房子实在是一个难题。 意群提示 Practical phrases 抓住并惩罚(某人) The law caught up with him for 10 years of failing to pay child support to his ex-wife for his two children. catch up with sb. 短语逆译 短语应用 他由于有十年都未支付给前妻和两个孩子的抚养费而受到法律的制裁。 意群提示 Practical phrases 永远 The injury may keep him out of football for good. 短语逆译 短语应用 这次受伤可能会使他永远告别足球。 意群提示 for good Practical phrases Functional Patterns Functions Usages 1. Sb. knows that in all likelihood… 用于表达“某人对事情的判断”。 2. Sb. wonders if he/she will ever again do sth. 用于表达“某人是否能达到从前的状态”。 3. Sb. worries about what will happen when... 用于表达“某人对事情的担心”。 Functional patterns 苏明白自己最终很可能以车为家。 原句译文 逆译练习 Sue knew that in all likelihood, she would end up living in her car. (Para. 4, L1) 句型提炼 Functional patterns Sb. knows that in all likelihood… 句型提炼 应用提示 用于描述“某人对事情的判断”。 句型应用 Functional patterns 典型例句 权威人士们明白如果物价继续攀升,消费者极有可能会勒紧裤腰带而更加谨慎地购物。 意群提示 The authorities knew that in all likelihood, consumers would be more careful about their purchases and tighten their belts if prices keep climbing. Functional patterns 她不知道自己还能否重温那舒适而又受人尊敬的生活。 原句译文 逆译练习 She wondered if she would ever again be able to reclaim that life of comfort and respect. (Para. 11, L1-2) 句型提炼 Functional patterns Sb. wonders if he/she will ever again do sth. 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人是否能达到从前的状态”。 句型应用 Functional patterns 典型例句 曾经辉煌的球队不知道他们还能否再次赢得世界杯的比赛。 意群提示 The soccer team, which used to grow into its glory,wondered if they would ever again win the World Cup. Functional patterns 她还担心要是手机因为欠费停机了怎么办?别人拨打她的号码,就如石沉大海,她无法接听。 原句译文 逆译练习 She worried about what would happen when her cell phone was cut off for non-payment, and calls to her number would disappear into an invisible world



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