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摘 摘 要 I I 摘 要 北宋王朝建立的翰林图画院在封建社会的历史上是空前绝后的,不仅仅是因为图 画院培养了大批著名的画家,给我们呈现了很多的优秀作品,更重要的是它把绘画列 入封建国家科举制中,使绘画成为科举制的重要组成部分。在图画院的初创期直至没 落期,由于北宋封建皇帝的对画院采用的态度和制度的不同,使得画院的作品在历史 不同发展阶段上呈现出不同的创作风格和发展趋势,对画院本身的发展以及后世绘画 的发展产生了深远的影响。 本篇论文在前人研究的基础上,首先对北宋翰林图画院的发展时期做了界定,以 明确本文的研究内容,同时介绍了北宋翰林图画院的历史背景。其次,本文在解读史 料的基础上,归纳出了在画院的初创期和中后期,制度、兴盛原因、院画家的创作特 点及地位上呈现出的差异。初期的北宋翰林图画院由于北宋王朝在历史传承、政治斗 争等方面的需要,对初期的画院画家采取“接收”、“礼遇”和“荐入”的录用制度, 在这样的情况下,此时的画院画家的有较高的政治地位,使得北宋翰林图画院建立之 初,画院的创作特征就形成了造型严谨、色彩富丽并符合皇室审美趣味的特点。中后 期的北宋翰林图画院由于画院自身的发展趋势与北宋皇帝的倡导,使画院在中后期有 了长足的发展。此时,统治者对画院画家采取“诏入”、“考入”的录用制度,画家的 职位和人员数量受到严格控制,画家在朝廷中的地位呈下降的趋势,到徽宗时期画院 画家能参与国家政治与外交活动,画家在朝廷中的地位又得到提升。最后,文章客观 地评价了北宋翰林图画院的成就和历史地位,探讨了北宋翰林图画院的影响和对当代 中国绘画艺术教育的启迪。 关键词:北宋 翰林图画院 初创期 中后期 启迪 Abstract Abstract II II Abstract Northern Song Dynasty established the imperial painting academy is unprecedented and unrepeatable in feudal society history,not only because painting academy has trained a large number well-known artists ,presented many excellent works to us,it is more important to put the painting in the feudal imperial examination system,make the painting has become an important part of the imperial examination system .In the initial stage of figure painting until the decline period,because the Northern Song Dynasty feudal emperor had different attitude and systems for painting ,so makes art works creation style have different trend in different historical stages ,it has influence on the development of painting and the later development of painting. In this paper, on the basis of previous studies,the first analysis on divisions of Northern Song Imperial Painting Academy and introduces the historical background of the Northern Song Imperial Painting Academy.Secondly, analysis on Northern Song Imperial Painting Academy many different in the different period.Third, the objective evaluation of the achievements and historical position of the Northern Song Imperial Painting Academy Finally,this paper mainly discusses the influence about Northern Song Imperial



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