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鹅掌楸碱的研究进展 * ,彭 艳,梁 宏 ( 广西师范大学 化学化工学院; 药用资源化学与药物分子 工程教育部重点实验室,广西 桂林 541004) 摘 要: 综述了鹅掌楸碱这一典型的氧化阿朴啡碱在其植物化学、药理学及其抗肿瘤活性与机制 方面的研究进展。鹅掌楸碱广泛分布于不同科属的天然植物中,但含量均较低; 其在抗肿瘤、抗细 菌、抗真菌、杀锥虫以及抗老年痴呆等方面表现出广泛的药理活性,而其显著的抗肿瘤活性则是基 于氧化阿朴啡母核的超共轭平面结构; 同时,结合作者的近期研究成果,介绍了基于鹅掌楸碱的药物无机化学研究新方 向的前期进展。 关键词: 鹅掌楸碱; 植物化学; 药理活性; 抗肿瘤机制; 药物无机化学 中图分类号:TQ351; R284 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253 -2417( 2011) 04 -0109 -08 Research Progress on Liriodenine LIU Yan-cheng,CHEN Zhen-feng,PENG Yan,LIANG Hong ( School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Guangxi Normal University; Key Laboratory for the Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources ( Ministry of Education) ,Guilin 541004,China) Abstract: The research progress on the phytochemistry,pharmacology,as well as antitumoral activity and mechanism of liriode- nine was reviewed,which is a kind of typical oxoaporphine alkaloid. Liriodenine widely distributes in many natural plants of a se- ries of families and genera,but the content is very low. Liriodenine exhibits extensive pharmacological activities,such as antitu- moral,antibacterial,antifungal and trypanocidal activities,as well as anti-alzheimers disease. It is seen that the significant anti- tumoral activity should be ascribed to the hyperconjugational planar structure of oxoaporphine as parent nucleus. Moreover,the pro-phase research progress as the rise of medicinal inorganic chemistry of liriodenine was also briefly introduced based on the au- thors’achieved research efforts. It could provide new strategy for the expanded research and application of liriodenine. Key words: liriodenine; phytochemistry; pharmacological activity; antitumoral mechanism; medicinal inorganic chemistry 氧化阿朴啡碱是一类具有广泛药理活性的生物碱,目前已被发现的达上百种之多,其在抗肿瘤、抗 病毒、抑菌消炎等方面均表现出显著活性。已有的研究表明,氧化阿朴啡碱的活性与其良好的平面性、 适中的分子平面大小以及疏水性大 π 键共轭体系等结构特点密切相关。鹅掌楸碱( liriodenine) 是一种 具有代表性的氧化阿朴啡碱。近年来,有关鹅掌楸碱的研究不断丰富,其广泛的药理活性受到越来越多 的关注,因此类氧化阿朴啡碱有良好应用( 尤其是药用) 前景,作者结合本课题组的相关研究成果,对鹅 掌楸碱的研究进展予以综述。 1 鹅掌楸碱的植物化学研究 鹅掌楸碱最早是由 Buchanan 等 [1] 于 1961 年从木兰科观赏性落叶乔木———北美鹅掌楸( Liri


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