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蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 瑞切尔 给我看看 Rachel, let me see. 我能看看吗 Can I see? 谁找到归谁 这是我找到的 Finders keepers. And I found it. 这是我家的花hearts;园hearts; In my garden. 谁找到归谁 Finders keepers. 布鲁斯 Bruce? 布鲁斯 Bruce? 妈妈 阿尔弗雷德先生 Mom! Mr. Alfred! 你做梦了 是吗 Did you have dream? 噩梦 Nightmare. 比这地方更可怕么 Worse than this place? 他们要跟你干一架 They are going to fight you. - 又要打 - 直到打死你 - Again? - Until they kill you. 干脆在吃早饭前打死我 Can they kill me before breakfast? 你下地狱了 小子 You are in hell, little man. 而我就是大魔王 And I am the devil. 你不是大魔王 Youre not the devil. 而是沙包 Youre practice. 关禁闭 Solitary. - 为什么 - 保护犯人 - Why? - For protection. 我才不需要保护 I dont need protection. 是保护他们 Protection for them. 进去 Get in. 打击罪犯真是迫不及待呀 Are you so desperate to fight criminals... 不惜把自己关进监狱跟他们单挑 ...that you lock yourself in to take them on one at a time? 其实 他们一共七个人 Actually, there were seven of them. 我数了 六个 韦恩先生 I counted six, Mr. Wayne. 你怎么知道我叫什么 How do you know my name? 世界太小了 像布鲁斯·韦恩这样的人不可能消失 The world is too small for someone like Bruce Wayne to disappear... 再怎么沉沦还是会浮出水面 ...no matter how deep he chooses to sink. 你是谁 Who are you? 在下名叫杜卡达 可却代表拉斯·阿·古 My name is merely Ducard, but I speak for Ras al Ghul 他是连黑帮都无比敬畏的人物 a man greatly feared by the criminal underworld. 他能为你指一条路 A man who can offer you a path. 你凭什么觉得我需要指路 What makes you think I need a path? 你这样的人来这是自愿的 Someone like you is only here by choice. 你正在探索犯罪团伙的世界 You have been exploring the criminal fraternity... 不过不管你当初出于什么目的 ...but whatever your original intentions 现在你已经完全迷失了 you have become truly lost. 可拉斯·阿·古能指出什么样的路 And what path can Ras al Ghul offer? 一条跟他们一样仇恨邪恶的路 The path of a man who shares his hatred of evil... 一条真正伸张正义的路 ...and wishes to serve true justice. 一条影武者联盟之路 The path of the League of Shadows. 你们就是义警而已 Youre vigilantes. 不 不 不 No, no, no. 义警惩罚罪人 只是为了满足自己的快hearts;感hearts; A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. 他可能会被人击败 关进牢里 He can be destroyed or locked up. 不过 如果你能超越自己不做一个凡人 But if you make yourself more than just a man... 如果你



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