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一般过去式与过去进行时 1.常见形式 1)一般过去时 “主+was/were”或者“主+动词过去式” I was very surprised when the Alien went into a toy shop. The Alien was so cute! We were on the playground when the UFO landed. When the police arrived, the Alien disappeared suddenly. 注:be动词在一般过去时中表示 “是”、“在”,有意义 过去进行时“主 + was/were + 过去分词” We were playing football when the UFO landed? I was eating an apple when the UFO landed? I was reading a book when the UFO landed? 注:be动词在过去进行时中只是一个符号,无意义 2.用法 1)一般过去时 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 He was at home yesterday. I got up at six thirty yesterday morning. I visited my aunt last weekend. 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 My father often went to work by bus last year. When I was a child, I often listened to music. He always carried an umbrella. 常与一般过去时态连用的时间有 yesterday, yesterday morning, the day before yesterday last night last week, last month, last year… two days ago, three years ago… a moment ago=just now(刚才) in 1990, (in 1998…) this morning, this Monday When I was 5 years old 2)过去进行时 过去进行时常表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段内正在进行的动作。 I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.(过去某一时刻) 昨天的这个时候我正在做作业。 I was doing my homework last night. (过去某一阶段内) 昨晚我一直在作业。 过去进行时可描述故事发生的背景。一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作突然发生。长动作(延续性动词)用过去进行时,短动作(点动词)用一般过去时。 注:当两种时态用于同一个句子时,过去进行时描述故事发生的背景,过去时报道该事件。 When my mother came back, I was watching TV.(when + 一般过去时,过去进行时) I was watching TV when my mother came back.(过去进行时 , when + 一般过去时) When(while) I was watching TV, my mother came back.(when/while + 过去进行时, 一般过去时) My mother came back when(while) I was watching TV.(一般过去时+ when/while + 过去进行时) 过去进行时可表示两个动作同时进行,有时含“对比”的含义。(过去进行时 + while +过去进行时) 注:两个动作同时发生,并且都是长动作(延续性动词)时,才能都用过去进行时 。 While I was watching TV, my mother was cooking. 当我在看电视时,我母亲在做饭。 过去进行时常与always,forever等连用,表示厌恶,埋怨,表扬,喜爱等感情色彩。 My father was always smoking when he was young.埋怨 She was always thinking of others. 表扬 She was forever complaining. 厌恶 下列几类动词通常不用过去进行时 表示状态的动词be; 感官动词:feel,hear,see,smell,taste等; 表示思维或心理状态的动词:believe(认为),forget,consider(考虑认为),know,understand,remem


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